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Scene 2 : Scene Language Barrier in Communication

Jun Cheng (as Chief Executive) | Chia Chen (as Secretary) | Jun Cheng (as Michael
Rice) | Farez (as Yasser) | Naim ( as Narrator )
Naim Communication is a process beginning with a sender who encodes the
message and passes it through some channel to the receiver who decodes the
message. Communication is fruitful if and only if the messages sent by the sender is
interpreted with same meaning by the receiver. Misunderstanding happen when a
different word on same pronunciation. This is because of different accent.
(Office scene)
Conversation between Chief Executive, Mr Kevin with his worker Michael Rice and

Chief Executive:
Michael Rice:

Mr Kevin, Michael Rice and Yasser is here to see you

Good, send them in
yes, sir.
good morning, Mr Kevin

Chief Executive:

oh Condoleezza, good to see you. Whats happening?

Michael Rice:

well Mr Kevin, Yasser and I have the report here about our new
competitor leader in China Industry.

Chief Executive:

thats great. Lets hear it

Michael Rice:
Chief Executive:
Michael Rice:
Chief Executive:
Michael Rice:
Chief Executive:
Michael Rice:
Chief Executive:

Mr Kevin, Hu is our new leader of China Industry.

well, thats what I want to know
but thats what Im telling you, Mr Kevin
well, thats what Im asking you, Michael. Who is new competitor
leader of China Industry?
I mean the fellows name
the guy in China Industry

Michael Rice:


Chief Executive:

the new competitor leader of China Industry!

Michael Rice:


Chief Executive:

the man!

Michael Rice:

Hu is leading china, Mr Kevin

Chief Executive:

what are you asking me for?

Michael Rice:

Im telling you Hu is leading china.


Hu is that man name.

Chief Executive:

well, Im thought that Hu is who. Sorry for my misunderstanding.

Lets continued your report


so now, based on our calculation about company dominant on

market lead show will falling down in three month because of
our new competitor.

Chief Executive:

so you mean our company will lose some profit. Are you sure
about this?



Chief Executive:

yes, sir

Chief Executive:
Naim -

We need to make meeting for informing our board about this


ok good then.

From this situation, we can know that Mr Kevin doesnt understand on

word Hu because he tough that its Who so that he feel angry then
scold his worker until Yasser tell that he misunderstanding.

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