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Heritage Interview Summary Example





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My mom, Mrs. Smith, grew up in Scranton, Arkansas on a 10 acre farm with horses and a mule
named Abraham. She lived in a 3-bedroom house with her sisters and parents. Her mom is a
nurse and her dad is a pastor. Her chores were to feed the horses and do the dishes. As a child,
she liked to spend her free time riding horses and reading. Her family had family night on
Fridays and they played games such as Uno, Yahtzee, and Monopoloy. In her teenage years, she
enjoyed going to basketball games with her friends and reading.
My mom enjoyed school very much, especially English because she loves to read and write. She
was in FBLA and BETA clubs during school and was the manager for the girls basketball team.
After high school, she went to college and received her degree in journalism and later took more
college courses to become a teacher. The jobs she has had include being a waitress during her
teenage years, working at channel 5 news as a video editor after college, being a banker for 7
years, and finally, her current and favorite occupation, teaching. She met her husband when a
friend introduced them to each other.
The day in history she remembers most is 9-ll. She remembers the shock and sadness of that day
and says she will never forget it. Her favorite invention is the cell phone because it is a great tool
for keeping in touch with people. The technology she had growing up was television and
Nintendo. She used to love playing Mario Cart with her sisters. Her favorite holiday is
Christmas. Her family loves celebrating the true meaning of Christmas and being with friends
and family during this special time of year.

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