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rt) 478. © Asse soa rom bones tse romana @) tt og a poi Ores THEATRES: AUDITORIUMS ausitorium depends onthe format select, an on aura dvs! ‘Size of auditorium: An area ofa east OS? pers bo used for siting spectetors. This number ie derived per asl permisibo ono side exit door of tm widths provided pert rows a) Exits. scape routes: 1m wide por 150 pacple (in. with 08m) O-8 Volume of roam: This is obtained on the basis of acoustic requirements (reverberation) ae. folows: playhouses. apptos. ‘Smepectatr opera approx. 6-8mepecatr a volume, For {echnical ventation reasons, the Volumes should Beno las than these ‘gues soas to ave ai changes whch ae to pronounced aught! Proportions of auditonum: Thase are obtained fromthe sesso’ prenlogia!perapton and viding snl. wal ‘Good. view ‘without head. movement, but slight eve ‘movement of about 20” + Good" view with sight head movement and sight eye field everthing whizh takes place "bebwoon the corners of tho oyes perceived. There is uncertanty ‘beyond ths eld because something may be missed fom the feld of vision ‘ish ul Road ond shoulder movement, a prception old of 360" Is posite. Proportions of the classical auditorium possible to recognise facia expressions) + Tor opera 32m limportant maverens til recognisable \Wiatn of auctor: This is derived from the fact that spectators fscoustcs ofthe classical theatres of tho ith and Tath century ore based on special rules of proportion (3) =i omnes

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