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Rhetorical Analysis of a Photograph

The photograph presented above appeared on the article Bridging a Gap Between Fear
and Peace, which was published by The New York Times. It was taken on the busiest port of
entry in El Paso, called Paso del Norte Bridge, located downtown. The following analysis will
evaluate pathos, logos, and ethos used on the photography, based on the setting it was taken.
Pathos is the most notorious rhetorical strategy used. The main focus of the image is a
family, which is conformed of the two parents and their children. It could be inferred that the
father is not coming along with his family. It is clear that the father is saying good bye to his
family who are heading to El Paso. This can be concluded because the children and the mother

are well prepared to stay in El Paso because of what they are carrying. This situation provokes a
feeling of pity towards the family. They are breaking a part for a period of time, which could be a
matter of a few days or even more until they reunite.
The logic appeal of the photograph is well expressed. It is common to see this situation
happen on most of El Pasos ports of entry. Every Sunday, families break apart because the
children come to school in our city, and then they return every Friday to Juarez to reunite with
their families. Also, because of the violence going on on Juarez, many people feel the necessity
of being accompanied on their way to El Paso. The fact that people carry bags, especially at
downtown Juarez, attracts the criminals into stealing. The violence that is happening on our
neighbor city, Juarez, is also a major reason why people travel from one place to another in
groups. Criminals have no preference, equally, men and women, could be victims of the
organized crime in Juarez.
The credibility of the photograph is convincible. People have been crossing from Juarez
to El Paso for years. There had been those who crossed the border and never returned. People
decided to stay in America, in search of a better life than the one on their country. But there are
also the ones that come and go everyday. The desire of being successful and obtain a better life
does not mean that people would leave their beloved city and never go back. That is usually the
situation for many, crossing the bridge everyday to go to school or to go to work is nothing
compared to the love some people have for their city. However, there are also the ones that dont
have an option. No matter how much they desire to stay in America, sometimes the resources are
not available and they have to continue with that way of living: crossing every morning into the
good promising U.S. and returning every night to dangerous Mexico.

In El Paso, many elementary, middle, and high school students cross the border in hope
of a better education than the one provided on Juarez. Also, it is known that most schools in
Mexico dont compare to the ones in the United States. We pretty much always have working air
conditioners, heaters, restrooms, and receive food at school, in Mexico that is only a dream. By
crossing the bridge, some more often than others, students demonstrate their determination and
desire of accomplishing their goals. They set the example for people like them and also for those
that get to stay on this side of the border. Giving up something of you is worthless when at the
end you get the reward youve ever been waiting for. Like on the photograph, they gave up the
unity of their family, but at the end, when they see each other the feeling of reward will priceless.

Cave, D. (2011). Bridging a gap between fear and peace. The New York Times
Orlinsky, K. (2011). The New York Times.

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