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Pay More, Suffer Less

The Raise Project

Step 1) The Raise will Help Selecting the Best

The Shortage limits Arizona with selecting the best teachers
and the shortage makes the schools employ ineligible teachers.
With 1000 fewer teachers than needed, schools are being forced
to employ teachers with low educational experience in order to
Teach the students.
The raise will increase teachers applicants, which will allow
schools to employ the best teachers with academic experience
and fire the ineligible low educated teachers.

That change in teachers will lead to the enhancement of


Step 2) The Economy will grow

I believe fundamentally that education is economic
development, Jason Carter, member of the Georgia State
Education is economic development, Scott Ralls, the
president of the North Carolina Community College System

Better education means more experienced high schools

graduates, which mean more colleges applicants.
College graduates are educated labor who will get in high
paying jobs, which will lead to economic enhancement due to
their work and their tax money.
The Current k-12 students are the next generations leaders.
Investing in them means investing in the future of the State of

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