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Joey Day

Yoga 1
Lifelong Wellness Reflection

Through taking this course I learned several things about yoga as well as several
things about lifelong wellness in general. One great thing I learned is that stretching is an
important part of any physical activity and should be done for a multitude of reasons.
Yoga is a great way to implement stretching and ensure you do it in a productive way. I
also learned that it is important to breathe and that breathing techniques can help with
many things like clearing the mind and calming oneself. Another thing I learned is that a
person should always take some times for themselves and relax, because it is really easy

to forget that you need to take care of your own body before a lot of things.
This class has definitely helped me improve several areas of my life. I have a
fractured vertebra in my lower back so I suffer from chronic back pain and this leads to
many other problems like tight hips and tight back muscles. Many of the poses we
learned help me get a good deep stretch to help relieve my pain and increase flexibility. I
learned a lot of great stretches from this class that I use almost every day. The class also
has helped me reduce daily stress and anxiety. Simply taking some time out of my week
to relax and breathe and do some yoga poses has been a tremendous way for me to

The techniques I learned through this class are great tools that I will continue to
use throughout my life. I will continue to do the stretches and poses to help relieve my
pack pain. I will also continue to do them because they can strengthen my core and back
to help reduce my pain overall. I will also do a lot of stretches before and after I exercise

to help prevent injury. I often use the breathing techniques when I am in class to help
calm my nerves and I will definitely continue to do so. This class has given me a lot of
knowledge of how to take care of my body that I will continue to use as long as I am

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