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Logan Jorgensen-Tosh

Conservative Politicians
He is a fox pretending to be a shepherd,
Claiming that if he is elected, everything will be bettered.
A wall we will build! he shouts to his flock
and keep out all the cattle with key and lock!
He claims to the sheep that he has their best interest at heart
Yet all he ever does is drive them further apart.
With dogmatic praise he promotes a regime of bigotry and hate,
Claims that the shortages of feed and excessive sheering of sheep he will abate.
The sheep blindly follow, goose stepping to his every whim.
If only the sheep would realize that the one exploiting them is him.
It is he who sends their lambs to the slaughter.
It is he who has said he would date his own daughter1.
He, in zealous fashion, decries all efforts of the farmer to help the sheep,
Claiming the farmer has declared war on all things they wish to keep.
Then, once the sheep have in him instilled their unwavering devotion,
He turns to the slaughter house, giving them free pick of his flock, betraying his preconceived notion
When the flock cries out against his cruelty and deceit he quotes scripture to defend his actions.
While still he further divides his sheep into factions

Then, once the sheep to divided to resist,

He robs them blind, knowing full well he was the reason they couldnt coexist.

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