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Time-line October 2014 October 2015

Written in reflection and in a disgusted state of mind; induced by reliving such events.
Coconspirator(s)/conspirator(s) [witnessed] :

Male, 23 years old, Caucasian (+/- 1 year)

Female 24 years old Caucasian (+/- 1 year)
Female 23 years old Caucasian (+/- 1 year)
Male 24 years old Caucasian (+/- 1 year).
Female 28 years old Caucasian (+/- 1 year)
See: Behavioural Compliance Paper.

October 2014

Reluctance, but no signs of any respect for human rights or privacy displayed by
the aforementioned criminals. Pity and regret was shown via supportive
statements, whether part of a strategic framework or cycle period of
adaptation, or genuine human-like traits.

November 2014

The initial phase of ongoing comments of belittlement, by a group of 4 people

minimum (2 people actively participating minimum at all times). Statements
included frequent abusive and defamatory phrases such as kill yourself, you
have nothing to live for, no one wants you here, and your family hates you
to name a few of many insults said during this period. Most nights were spent
closing my eyes in bed to hear only the words someone is gonna kill you
tonight and - you're going to be electrocuted.

December 2014

Christmas Eve After hearing enough of these psychopaths slandering myself and
my family, I almost attempted suicide, and am extremely embarrassed to have let
myself get influenced by such despicable, inhuman and irresponsible, teenage-like
cantor which was persistently displayed by the involved participating criminals Herein PC(s)

Notable and credible information:

The PCs are employed by the DRPS. This is confirmed via the previous stealth incidents on
the property of
The estimated cost to taxpayers (including wages paid to incompetent, inexperienced, and
persistently sloppy employed Peace Officers actually criminals involved in a suspected pilot
test experimentation).

Despicable Acts of Inhumane Treatment/Psychopathic behavioural traits:

Pathetic, inflated egotistic behaviour, in which all PCs displayed persistent immature mentality
similar to 16-year olds.

Lack of remorse despite being a group of 5 harassing 1 person over the course of 2+ years
(October 2014 being the transitional period between a previously botched investigation
warranted against myself,

The ability when showing remorse/sympathy (only by a select few) to only speak
apologetically, and with statements of pity, which further exacerbated the aggravation of
listening to the PCs.

Suspected to be targeted due to incompetent leadership and incompetent/inexperienced work

that was done by young, immature and inexperienced Police Officers - during the preceding
investigation [speculative]. These inexperienced Police (many involved in earlier acts of
pathetic, inhuman, and unethical harassment against 1 person (myself), are unknown to be
involved in the aforementioned case, however, were all noted (by majority) to be in the age
range of 20-24 years old.

The preceding acts of torture and harassment during an investigation - utilized non-lethal
Directed Energy Weapons, used daily against my person on my property and occasionally when
in public places. This use of unethical force was clearly used for me to appear mentally
unstable schizophrenic or intoxicated by hallucinogenic/dopaminergic drugs - the drugs
are mentioned as I am a user of various substances, in moderation, and have never
experienced such symptoms on any chemical these symptoms would arise when I took any
OTC pill or other medicine, whether it was for recreation or legitimate medical use. This made
me look like a fool in front of my entire family, who would (for good reason as they did not
experience the DEW effect).

The beginning of voices in head (often described online as V2K or voice to skull whether
this term is fabricated by the developers of the technology, or was coined by other potentially
targeted persons is not known to myself, nor a point of importance at this time). Began when I
was enrolled at the start of my last college semester, with great ambition and motivation for
my future career. The PCs acted with common human emotions and behaviour, despite the
blatant lack of a moral compass, respect for privacy, and without concern for their own mental
well-being (seeing as reading a person's mind occurs largely at the pre-vocalized level which I
managed to control with great precision within 2-3 months).

Despite clear awareness that I was in a poor financial situation ($20 000CAD + in debt at the

start of the operation) as well as my diagnosed Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), these
PCs the lowest level of human beings I've ever witnessed or even heard of in modern years
showed no remorse or lack of self-entitlement to tax-payer money which they received at
higher than normal wages (collectively minimum $2.5million on labour costs to harass one
person with the clear of the DRPS to have me kill myself from day one as they had failed to
make my life miserable enough previously). These cowardly people on salary by a tax-funded
service/organization, often mused at my misfortune, as I struggled to get even $5 to go out
with friends, despite my innocence of any unlawful actions. all acts were unprofessional, and
cowardice, imitating Hitler's theory of the Big Lie, and succeeding, as the overall behaviour
was so pathetic and unbelievable that no one would believe any of my accounts. Neighbours
to my property were aware of the investigation, however my parents had no idea, nor
myself or any resident of my house, that a warrant was issued and executed on my property.

The self-entitled and pathetic PCs involved emulated the raping of my family on most nights for
4+ weeks, and intermittently afterwards, as an attempt for me to feel guilt as in their words
there's people raping your family; I can't believe you're not checking on them; I have no
respect for you for letting your parents get raped Having nothing of great importance during
these times (as any normal person would), I wielded weapons such as a bat and a pocket knife
to investigate and end the situation, should it be real it never was real, however I looked like
a fool, and was accused of being on drugs despite my sobriety, and actions of concern. These
actions were so pitiful, pathetic and inhumane that I did not relay any information to my
parents, who had already suffered tremendously as result of actions from this young,
immature team of criminals.

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