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Ingle, Jarvis, Smith, Roberts 1

Desmond Ingle, Austin Smith, Connor Jarvis, Mark Roberts

Professor Lynn Raymond
Semester Long Project Proposal
October 04, 2015

Conspiracy Theorism
Our semester long multimodal project will be about conspiracy theories concerning
events or people in all of American history. Conspiracy theories are ideas about historical events
or people that state something entirely different happened than what was reported to have
occurred. Assuming that any one of these conspiracy theories is true Extensive research will be
done on a wide variety of conspiracies to discern which of them are the most popular and why.
which ones are credible enough to be believable and perhaps find a few that are almost too
outrageous to even consider to be true.
We will present our project in a Microsoft Powerpoint presentation, along with an oral
presentation. Methods of presentation will vary depending on each separate conspiracy theory,
some theories may require pictures, videos, audio clips, or all of the three.
The project is appropriate because it is a topic that is interesting to all the members of our
group and is applicable to our audience. This topic is relatable to our audience because
conspiracies affect a large portion of American history, and is a very large discussion topic in the
media. Having such a broad impact makes this topic very relatable to any audience.
Each member of our group will be held accountable for their own set of two or three
conspiracies. Along with this set each person will be responsible for his equal share of the
powerpoint and oral presentation.

Ingle, Jarvis, Smith, Roberts 2

This project will be completed in segments until the date of presentation. We will
thoroughly research two or three conspiracies per week and then complete their portion of the
powerpoint presentation. After all the conspiracies have been researched our group will meet and
put together our oral presentation. Below is a list of the ten conspiracies we hope to investigate
through this project.
-1947 UFO crashed in Roswell, New Mexico. Area 51 conspiracies about Extraterrestrial life
-1963 Who really killed JFK
-1969 The first moon landing is a fake
-1977 Elvis dies, but is a faked death.
-2001 The government was responsible or had knowledge of the 9/11 attack
-The government created the AIDS virus
-Global warming is a myth
-World leaders are actually seven foot tall reptilian humanoids
All of these topics are discussed in todays society and are speculated upon, some being
more ridiculous than others have less credibility; however, all have made some people suspicious
of what really happened.

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