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Writing Prompt #8

Professor Lynn Raymond

Mark Lee Roberts, IV
1103 Writing & Inqry Acdmc Ctx I & II
Digital Presentation Prompt

Fig. 1. JFK Before He Was Assassinated. Source: Listverse, 10 Reasons JFKs Death
Might Have Been An Accident.
JFK Assassination
The JFK assassination is one of the most well-known conspiracy theories there
is. Supposedly Lee Harvey Oswald, the man who shot JFK, was incapable of either
being the shooter or acting alone. Many theories persist about this, but almost all agree
with one thing. Oswald couldnt do it alone.

Fig. 2. Obama in Kenya Sign. Source: The Muslim Issue, Sign of the Times.
Obamas Birth Certificate
A relatively new conspiracy theory Obamas birthplace conspiracy states that
Obama was not born in Hawaii as his birth certificate states but was born in Kenya,
which under Article Two of the US Constitution would make his presidency invalid.

Fig. 3. US Flag on the Moon. Source: Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum,
Apollo 11.
Moon Landing Conspiracy Theory
The most probable out of the bunch is the Moon Landing Hoax conspiracy
theory. According to a lot of people out there the moon landings were faked and never
really happened. Theres a lot of the theory actually makes good logical sense but as
always for any argument there is always counter argument.

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