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Levin, J., (1997). Walt Whitman: poetry for young people.

New York,
Sterling Publishing Company, Inc.
This poem has a hidden meaning on the surface it seems as though
the captain of a ship has died, and metaphorically that is true. This
poem was written not long after President Lincoln was assassinated
therefore many have interpreted this poem to be about him. While
Lincoln was not a captain of a ship, he was a President of the United
States during the Civil War. This poem is one of Witmans only metered
poems. The rhythm helps instill a mood of darkness and mourning. This
poem could be introduced to older grades fourth through fifth to show
the use of metaphors. Also this would be a good tie into social studies.
Students could also compare this poem to others by the same author.
This would give students an opportunity to analyze the elements of
The anthology I analyzed was a website edited by Caleb Murdock, and
his editorial advisory, Rhina P. Espaillat. Poetry Tree only accepts
previously published poems (by magazine or books) for review. The
editor emphasizes metered poetry. This website has many poets who
are now publishing in contrast to other poets from the 20th-century.
Each poet must have either published a book or have at least twenty
poems published in magazines. This editor has thorough knowledge of
copyright laws and has this placed clearly on the website. Some
authors included on the website are famous and considered greats,
while others are contemporary. This could provide a good forum to
compare and contrast metered poetry from the twentieth to twentyfirst centuries. As technology use in the classroom is increasing we, as
teachers need to also evaluate online anthologies and literature
resources. Date Accessed: November 6th, 2015

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