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Curriculum Plan: ACTIVITY

EDUC Course: EDUC 2220 W01
Instructor Name: Maryam Najib
Developmental Area: Science
Activity Title: Pollination Admiration Number of Children Participating at one Time: 25 Ages: 9-10
Ohio Science
Academic Content

Life Sciences
Benchmarks (35)
A. Differentiate between the life cycles of different plants and animals.
B. Analyze plant and animal structures and functions needed for survival and describe the flow of
energy through a system that all organisms use to survive.
Grade Level Indicators (Grade 4)
2. Relate plant structures to their specific functions (e.g., growth, survival and reproduction).
5. Describe how organisms interact with one another in various ways (e.g., many plants depend on
animals for carrying pollen or dispersing seeds).
Grade Level Indicators (Grade 5)
2. Explain how almost all kinds of animals' food can be traced back to plants.

Lesson Summary

Students get a better understanding and appreciation for pollination and how those types of plants,
animals, and insects benefit us. Students should receive a basic grasp on a commonplace topic. This
will be accomplished through presentations, group activities, practice quizzes, homework, a quiz, and an
in class meal which are all related to the topic and should each help encourage learning in their own

Materials and

A smartboard will be used. Children would need to be in a computer room at some point. Powdered
chalk, plastic cups, pipe cleaners, construction paper,cotton balls, and an assortment of fruits will also
be needed. Also a few trips to the computer lab would be made.
Children would be split into four groups, each is given two flowers made out of construction paper, with
a cotton ball in the center to hold the pollen, which would be chalk powder. Students would then make
bees out of pipe cleaners.
Quiz, online game, and presentation would be created with the instructors own time.
Students would create digital flowers during class time. Papers would be chosen by each student for
which pollinator they are assigned to. Students would choose which fruit to bring in and search for fruits
in their own time.


The learning experience will be made as fun as possible. This would be done with a combination of
activities on the computer and group work. Kids love group activities, playing games, and going online,
so those would be taken advantage of to keep the children interested. Being able to play arcade games
as a form of review as well as bringing in food to class on Friday should also help keep students
Getting access to the computer lab twice in one week might be a challenge. Also If there were no
smartboard, or projector, it would be difficult to do the activities on the first day.

Instructor Name: Maryam Najib

Activity Title: Pollination Admiration

Estimated Duration
The lesson should include four 35-40 minute sessions divided into five days, for a total of about 175-200 minutes.
Ask questions to students to attract attention, introduce the topic, and start discussions. Students would then be given a preassessment diagram quiz. It would consist of a picture diagram of a flower that has the parts that we will cover with blank labels.
A short YouTube video on the topic will be played while the short vocab list is passed out. Students would watch a brief
powerpoint presentation of the topic on the Smartboard. Students are told to choose a piece of paper from a box that has the
name of a specific pollinator on it. This name is given to lookup a specific pollinator and pick a fruit to bring in that was pollinated
by their chosen mammal/insect.The instructor would then explain what the assignment that is due Friday involves and answer
any questions.
On day two, students would be split into four groups, each is given two flowers made out of construction paper, with a cotton ball
in the center to hold the pollen, or chalk powder.The instructor would pass out materials, then give demonstration on how to do
activity. Students would play pollination game, while the instructor checks that it is done correctly. Students would make bees out
of pipe cleaners, and then take turns putting their bees in one flower to collect nectar, and then into the second flower. Afterwards
students would be split into two person groups. The instructor would give introductory instructions for the assignment the
following day and have students discuss ideas. Each student has to ask their teammate brief descriptions of themselves to get an
idea of what kind of things they are attracted to. For example, students should ask questions like, what is your favorite smell,
color, taste (food), shape, ext. Questions being asked are expected to assist the questioner to come up with a design for an ideal
flower for their partner. Students would write down ideas, while the instructor answers any questions.
On the third day, students are then given time on the computer, as well as scrap paper if desired, to come up with ideas for, and
to draw their flowers on They are then instructed to write brief descriptions of the flower, and to label the parts of the
flower that correspond to the vocabulary words. Students would then play an online game from with quiz like
questions. Students would work independently at first, then if desired, in groups for remaining time.
On day four, students meet in the computer lab to take a short quiz from Google Forums as a post assessment. After the quiz
students present their flowers, while the instructor grades presentations, and asks questions if needed.
On day five, students eat food, fruits, and desserts brought in by classmates. Students would begin briefly presenting which food
item they chose to bring in that day while the rest of the class eats.
Day 1:
(3-5 minutes) Begin discussion by asking questions.
(5 minutes) Take pre-assessment diagram quiz
(5 minutes) Grade quiz
(3 minutes) Play video. Pass out vocab lists while video plays.
(12 minutes) Give powerpoint presentation
(5 minutes) Let students draw names of mammals/insects
(5-7 minutes) Explain assignment due on Friday and answer questions.
Day 2:
(3 minutes) Divide students into four groups.
(15-20 minutes) Pass out materials and play pollination game.
(5 minutes) Divide students into groups of two.
(5 minutes) Give instructions and goals for flower designing assignment
(10 minutes) Have students discuss personality traits, and take notes
Day 3:
Meet in computer lab instead of classroom
(5 minutes) Pass out scrap papers and have students log into computers while giving further instructions.
(15-18 minutes) Students work on drawing flowers.
(15 minutes) Play online quiz-like game
(3 minutes) logout of computers
Day 4:
Meet in computer lab
(5 minutes) log into computers
(10-15 minutes) take written quiz on Google Forums

(20-25 minutes) Have students present flowers

(3 minutes) logout of computers
Day 5:
(5 minutes) Set up food table.
(35 minutes) Have each student take turns presenting while the rest of the students eat.
(10 minutes) Clean up food and messes.

Students would then be given a pre-assessment diagram quiz. It would consist of a picture diagram of a flower that has the parts
that we will cover with blank labels. There will be an answer sheet and students would fill out the chart. Students would then be
given the answers in order to grade their chart. Incorrect questions would be found by having students lower their heads and
raise their fingers according to how many questions they got right, but it wouldnt weigh on their grades.
Students would take a short quiz from Google Forums. There would be several questions that add up to a certain percentage for
each student.

Since a majority of the work given is group work, there would be plenty of peers that would be able, and
encouraged to help one another. This alone should significantly help reduce the chances of confusion or
difficulty amongst any of the students. As for students who are already, or quick to be, knowledgeable of
the subject, in addition to assisting classmates, they could pick up a little extra work. There were vocab
words on the topic that were omitted in order to make the work simpler. Those words could be provided
at the bottom of the vocab list as bonus words. Any of the students would be allowed to learn them, and
would be rewarded a small bonus on their quiz for each additional word they got correctly. Those extra
words would also be on the quiz-like game, or two games would be made, as they are easy to create,
one with the bonus words, that students who are working on those could play for practice.

The first two websites offer simple, straightforward information on pollination. Students would still have
to do more research for homework assignment, but this might help give a basic understanding to those
who had trouble understanding the lesson in class. The third is a list of types of pollinated foods, and
the pollinators that helped in their reproduction. This would be helpful in getting ideas for their homework
assignment. The last link has a game that might also give a fun explanation of the weeks topic

Homework options

Each child would be assigned a pollinator to research. Each student would have to look online to find
information about that specific pollinator, including types of food that pollinator assisted with, and then

bring in one of them to share with the class. They also are to type up a brief summary of that pollinator
and print it out to read to the class when they bring in their food/fruit.

Students get to do an art related project which should improve some of their drawing and creative
thinking skills. Students would be using computers on multiple occasions. They would be able to
improve their knowledge and skills in technology through basic functions such as, sending and receiving
information, typing, and web app use. They would also get a chance to improve their English vocab a bit,
and their writing skills. Short presentations would help hone students public speech capabilities.


Pollen: powder found on anthers of flowers

Anther: male part of the flower, where pollen is produced
Pistil: tube like female part of the flower, that moves pollen to the eggs
Ovule: Oval shaped female part that grows the seeds
Fruit: fleshy, and possibly sweet part of plant that holds seeds. Grown in Ovule
Nectar: Sweet liquid in plants used to attract pollinators. Can be found anywhere on flower, depending
on species.
Petal: Leaves that have been changed to attract certain pollinators.

Additional Notes

I found the idea for this weeks lesson plan from the link below

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