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The construction on the chteau was started in

1519 and was finished in 1547

It is unclear who the actual architect is but,
Domenico da Cortona is credited with it and
Leonardo Da Vinci is believed to have had an
influence on the construction
Also it is the largest chteau in the Loire Valley
with 440 rooms, 365 fireplaces, 13 great
staircases, and stables that accommodate up to
1200 horses
Some say it was never completely finished

Double Helix Staircase

Vaulted Hallways


Louis XIV (1639-1685)

Received after Gaston dOrleans
Saved the chteau from ruin by carrying out a

lot of restoration work

Added the 1,200 horse stable allowing him to
use the chteau has a hunting lodge
Made a total of 9 visits

Marshall of Saxony
Received it after victory at Fontenoy
He lodged two cavalry regiments composed of

Tartars, Valaquans, and Martiniquans

The marshal ran the place with an iron fist: for
the slightest prank, he would hang the guilty
parties from the branches of an old elm tree

I personally think it would be awesome to stay

in such an amazing chteau that is rich in

I really liked that the chteau had 440 rooms
and also the double helix staircase is also
really cool.
I liked that the walls and partial moat were
intended as purely decoration but also
provided defense from enemies.
Overall it would have been a great place to

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