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Most people would like to pay as little interest as possible and

understanding how interest is calculated and paid off gives one the tools to
do this. Calculating out the amortization of a 15 year and a 30 year loan
shows the contrast that the term can make in the total interest accrued.
Making additional payments towards your principal will also drastically
reduce the amount of interest that will accrue over the life of the loan, as
well as shortening the term of the loan.
Although financing a home may seem daunting, and the amount of the
interest paid over the life of the loan may seem extensive, it can be
advantageous to invest in a house, assuming that the market continues to
increase. In the example in this project we saw that, even when the full life of
the loan was not fulfilled it was still profitable to sell the home.

E-portfolio links
Greg Hale
Rachel Heugly

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