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Lifestyle Management


Just for Hearts


Health, Heart, Lifestyle and more

Know Your Ideal Body Weight
Ideal Body Weight (IBW) = Height in cm 100
Overweight Present Body Weight > 10-20% IBW
Obese - Present Body Weight > 20% IBW

Energy Dense Foods
Lack of Exercise
Genetic Predisposition
Certain medications
Medical Problems
Lack of sleep
Slow metabolism
Psychological stress
Unhealthy eating habits, like Skipping breakfast,
Nibbling, Excessive consumption of junk food, Distress

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Social pressure to eat
Holidays & Special Events
Paired eating activities

Health Risks
High Blood Pressure
Gall Bladder Disease
Certain Cancer
High Cholesterol Levels
Cardio Vascular Diseases
Joint Problems

Self Control


Physical Activity

Dietary Modification


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Dietary Modification
To begin with, it is imperative to go on a monitored weight
loss program, which puts you on a good, nutritious,
weight loss diet. No crash diets.
Identify and avoid food triggers.
Keep a watch on portion size.
Eat a minimum of 500gms of fresh vegetables (less of root
vegetables) in the form of soups (no butter, corn flour, white
sauce), salads (without dressing), boiled and cooked in
minimum oil.
High fiber foods like whole-wheat flour, bajra, jowar, millets,
oatmeal should be preferred to make your chapatis. Food
products made from maida (refined flour) like breads,
pastries, bhaturas, rumali rotis, naans, etc to be restricted.
Pulses in the form of dals, whole pulses, usals, and sprouts
salads should be incorporated in the diet.
Fruits like apple, orange, watermelon, papaya pomegranate,
peach, pineapple, pear, etc can be safely eaten as snacks.
Always use skimmed milk. Remove the fat by refrigerating
the milk for 6-8 hours.
Nutritious low calorie drinks like tomato juice, cucumber
juice,coconut water, lime juice, thin buttermilk, dudhi soup
can also be taken in between meals.
Cut off sugar from your diet; avoid soft drinks, chocolates,
sweets, jams, ice creams, canned juice, mithai, cakes and

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Limit your fat intake to two teaspoons a day.

Avoid deep-fried foods like wafers, puries, samosas,
wadas, bhajia, cutlets, farsans,etc
Consume about 6-8 glasses of water every day.
Prefer lean chicken, fish, egg white etc to high fat non-veg
Use alternative cooking methods for frying like baking,
steaming, grilling, poaching, etc
Festive seasons like Diwali, Christmas, and New Year are
times when people just let go. Always remember that
festivals can be enjoyed in a healthy way.

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Practical Suggestions for Weight Reduction

Prudence and self-control are the keys to a successful
weight loss program.
Eat when you are actually hungry. Try not to eat snacks in
front of television.
It is important to follow a regular meal pattern. Consume 6
small frequent meals. The gap between two meals should
not exceed to 3-4 hours.
Never skip meals. If you skip a meal with the idea of losing
weight, you tend to eat next one in more quantity.
Eat slowly. Savor each bite. Take fifteen to twenty minutes
to finish your meal as your brain needs twenty minutes to
register satiety.
Eat wisely and learn to say NO to temptations.
Maintain a diary where you record what you have eaten for
the day. This way you will be able to find out the increase or
decrease in your caloric intake.
Stick to your treatment plan
Remain motivated and confident
Set the goal that is realistic.
Adjust the rate of weight loss to 0.5kg week.

Take the help of visual tool (weighing machine) and
motivation techniques.

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Increase your physical activity to about 45-60 minutes in a
day. Exercise is excellent to burn calories and improve both
mental and physical health.
Anticipate plateaus. They are common to all. They occur due
to accumulation of water as fat is used up. Increase exercise
in this period to restart weight loss.


Just for Hearts

Health, Heart, Lifestyle and more

Diabetes Mellitus is a condition where the amount of blood
glucose is too high because the body cannot use it properly.
Contributing Causes
Poor diet
Sedentary lifestyle coupled with lack of physical
Frequent urination
Excessive thirst
Unexplained weight loss
Extreme hunger
Blurry vision
Tingling/ numbness in hands/ feet
Feeling tired much of the time
Dry skin
Sores that are slow to heal


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Diabetes affects the various systems of body and leads to

the following complications
Neuropathy (affects the various nerves)
Retinopathy (affects eyesight/ vision)
Nephropathy (affects the functioning of the kidneys)
Leads to heart problems in the long run
Stroke (injury to the brain)
Diabetic foot leading to amputation



Fasting 2Hour

Fasting 2Hour
= 110

Fasting 2Hour
= 140

Fasting 2Hour
= 126
= 200

Prediabetes is the state in which some but not all of the
diagnostic criteria for diabetes are met.
Impaired fasting glycaemia or impaired fasting glucose
(IFG) refers to a condition in which the fasting blood glucose
is elevated above what is considered normal

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levels but is not high enough to be classified as diabetes

mellitus. It is considered a pre-diabetic state.
Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) is a pre-diabetic state
which may precede type 2 diabetes mellitus by many years.
The steps for effective management of diabetes include: Monitoring
Regular monitoring of blood sugar levels
Know about the proper care that needs to be taken
Follow regular eating habits
Make the right food choices
Include exercise and physical activity in daily routine
Medications help in maintaining desired blood sugar


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Diet Guidelines:
No fasting, no feasting.
Take small frequent meals/snacks at regular intervals and
dine on time. Eat slowly
Watch out for words like JUMBO, GIANT, DELUXE or SUPERSIZED. Larger portions mean more calories, more fat,
cholesterol and salt. Prefer regular/medium instead.
Replace fried foods with grilled, roasted, steamed or baked
Avoid smoking and consumption of alcoholic drinks.
Opt for fruits and salads as healthy snacks instead of
munching on to something which in the long run could harm
you like fried and bakery products.
Limit the frequency of eating out. Always choose healthy

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Exercise tips:
Consult your doctor before starting any exercise
Wear shoes that fit well and protect your feet.
Start gradually to avoid stiff or sore muscles and joints.
The type of exercise should be individualized for every
It may include

Aerobic exercise 30 to 45 mins a day, atleast 5 days
a week

Flexibility exercise 30 mins a day, 5 days a week
Walk instead of drive whenever possible.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator
Test your blood glucose before and after exercise.
Always carry a carbohydrate snack with you in case of


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Foot care:
Wash your feet daily with lukewarm water and soap.
Dry your feet well, especially between the toes.
Check your feet for blisters, cut sores, swelling and
infected toenails.
Trim the toe nails straight across and smoothen them.
Never walk barefoot indoors or outdoors. Examine your
shoes everyday for crack, pebbles, nails or anything that
could hurt your feet.

The Diabetic Who Knows the Most,

Lives the Longest


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Health, Heart, Lifestyle and more

Hypertension is defined as persistently high pressure in blood
vessels, wherein the systolic pressure is >120 mmHg and the
diastolic pressure is> 80 mmHg.
It is also called as a silent killer because people with
hypertension generally remain asymptomatic for years and
then have fatal stroke or heart attack. It is a lifestyle disorder.
Cardio vascular diseases
Renal diseases
Usually it is asymptomatic.
Impaired vision
Failing memory
Shortness of breath
Pain over the heart
Gastrointestinal disturbances
Unexplained tiredness

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Cardiac enlargement
Ischemia (inadequate flow of blood)
Left ventricular hypertrophy (thickening of muscle of heart)
Left ventricular malfunction
Myocardial Infarction (heart attack)
Congestive heart failure (heart's pumping function is altered)
Impaired renal function
Stroke (disturbance in the blood supply to the brain)
Weight reduction: It is very necessary to manage weight
and Body Mass Index. The BMI should be in range of 1823
kg/mt .
Physical Activity: Aerobic exercises and brisk walking help
to reduce blood pressure.
Stress Management: It can be done by mediation, yoga,
some change in regular activities and pursuing some
Alcohol and Smoking: These can lead to cardio vascular
Low fat diet is advised as the patient is susceptible to cardio
vascular diseases.
Diet should include adequate amounts of potassium, calcium,
magnesium, vitamin D and K.
Limit caffeine containing to 1 cup per day.
Restrict alcohol beverages.
Include DASH diet ie low in fats and cholesterol and rich in
vegetables, fruits and low-fat dairy products.
Avoid pickles, preserved foods, papads, canned foods,
Chinese foods, frozen foods, salty foods, ketchups.

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Cardiovascular Diseases


Health, Heart, Lifestyle and more

Your heart is the center of your cardiovascular system, and

it is vitally responsible for just about everything that gives
your body life ranging from the oxygen supply to
strengthening your immune system. However, the foods
you eat and the amount of activity you choose to take part in
can dramatically affect the overall health of your heart and
many other tissues that make up your cardiovascular
The term "heart disease" is often used interchangeably with
"cardiovascular disease." Cardiovascular disease generally
refers to conditions that involve narrowed or blocked blood
vessels that can lead to a heart attack, chest pain (angina) or
stroke. Other heart conditions, such as infections and
conditions that affect your heart's muscle, valves or beating
rhythm, also are considered forms of heart disease.

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Health, Heart, Lifestyle and more

The various diseases that fall under the umbrella of

heart disease include

Myocardial infarction(interruption of blood supply

to a part of heart causing heart cells to die)

Coronary insufficiency(insufficient blood flow

through one or more coronary arteries supplying

Angina(chest pain)

Ischemic stroke (impaired oxygen supply to heart


Hemorrhagic stroke(bleeds resulting from

weakened vessels in the surrounding heart tissue)

Transient ischemic attack(mini stroke with

symptoms appearing for short time)

Peripheral artery disease(formation of plaques in

the arteries) heart failure

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The more risk factors you have, the more likely you are to
develop heart disease. Some risk factors can be changed,
treated, or modified, and some cannot. But by controlling as
many risk factors as possible, through lifestyle changes
and/or medicines, you can reduce your risk of heart disease.

Major Symptoms:



Chest pain

Decreased urine output

Abnormality in heart rhythm

Syncope(sudden blackout)

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Diagnostic Investigations
Electrocardiogram (ECG)

Stress Testing

Thallium Stress Test


Doppler Study

Coronary Angiogram


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Target Goals
Total Cholesterol
LDL (Bad)Cholesterol
HDL (Good)Cholesterol
Blood Pressure
Fasting Glucose
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Waist Circumference

<200 mg/dL
<100 mg/dL
>50 mg/dL
<150 mg/dL
<120/80 mmHg
<100 mg/dL
<25 kg/dL
<35 Inches
Minimum of 30 minutes all

Some preventive measures you can take:

Don't smoke or use other tobacco products.

Eat a varied diet, rich in fruits, vegetables and low-fat


Maintain a healthy weight.

30 minutes of exercise daily is a must.

Keep your cholesterol levels in normal ranges.

Control your blood sugar if you have diabetes.

Control your blood pressure.

Diet Guidelines for Cardiovascular diseases

Be liberal on raw and green leafy vegetables, fruits.

Make use of the oven or tandoor more than frying- pan

by baking, grilling or roasting foods.

Choose lean chicken and fish over mutton and red meat.

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Eat more fish. Fish is a good source of protein. It also

contains Heart friendly fats, omega-3 fatty acids,
which may help reduce the risk of heart disease and

Thin buttermilk, coconut water, clear soups, kokam

sarbat can be included in diet liberally.

Vegetable oils such as safflower oil,rice bran oil,

soyabean oil, sesame oil are most recommended. Use
combinations of oil.

DO NOT Mix two oils together. Learn with your Diet

counselor how to use combinations of oil.

Control the salt in your diet. Restrict your salt to half a

teaspoon per day.

Avoid salted foods, namkeens, pickles, chutneys,

dried papad, ketchups and canned foods.


Have a healthy weight loss and maintain our ideal

body weight.

Sustain your diet as well as workout.

Exercise is the key!


Physical Activity

Just for Hearts

Physical activity and health


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Regular physical activity is one of the most important things

you can do for your health.
It can help to
Control weight.

Reduce risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Reduce risk of type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.

Reduce risk of some cancers.

Strengthen bones and muscles.

Approximately 30-60 min of moderate intensity
physical activity per day is recommended.
There are various types of physical activity that help you to
achieve overall fitness.
Types of activity


1. Aerobic or

a) Increases stamina.
b) Helps to decrease
body fat .
c) Improves
function &
reduces blood
pressure by
increasing blood
flow to the
d) Improves blood
sugar control by
increasing the
sensitivity of the
body to insulin.

Walking , jogging,
bicycling, climbing
stairs, dancing,
swimming, tennis, zumba,
kick boxing,

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2) Strength or weight

a) Helps to increase
your metabolism so
that you burn more
b) Helps to make
bones stronger
c) Improves balance
d) Increases muscle
Lowers the risk of
fractures and
lessens arthritis

use weight machines, lift

free weights, push-ups,
pilates. Can use
household items like
bottles filled with water as

3) Stretching or

a) Helps to ease
b) Improve flexibility
c) Prevents muscle
sprain and injury.

Gardening, moping the

floor, vaccuming, Bowling,
yoga, curling.

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Always keep yourself motivating by:Setting Small, Realistic and Achievable goals it might be

losing few kilos just to fit in the old favorite dress.

Finding a workout buddy so that both can push each

other to try a bit harder.

Getting indulged in any sports activity of your choice.

Making it a fun Don't make exercise regime bore and

sad. Try something different like Zumba, Aqua exercises,
aerobics, Flexibility, Yoga, etc.

Just for Hearts


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Rewarding yourself on successfully achieving a goal

Remember the rewards should be healthy like a healthy

snack, spa, hair spa, etc

Buying a new dress for the next birthday, a size smaller. Let
the thought of fitting in to it motivate you.

Stick to the workout plan. Print it out and put it somewhere

you can see it daily.

Keeping a backup plan ready in case of weather problems.

Avoid exercising on an empty stomach or immediately after

taking insulin.

Carry a fast acting source of energy (CHO) with you ,such as

glucose or raisins just in case of low blood glucose.

All the Best!!

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