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Katie Orrell

Week 6

Concept or Skill: nursery rhymes

Grade Level: Pre-kindergarten
Materials needed:
- There Was and Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe book
- Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe SmartBoard files
- Humpty Dumpty SmartBoard files
- woodblocks
- Bear Hunt SmartBoard file
- Elephants SmartBoard file
- Mary Had a Little Lamb SmartBoard file
- guiro
- shakers
- Lets Clap Together SmartBoard file
- Follow Follow Me SmartBoard file
Objective(s): Students will be able to sing and recite popular nursery rhymes.
National Core Music Standards:
MU:Cr1.1.PKa - With substantial guidance, explore and experience a variety of music.
MU:Cr2.1.PKa - With substantial guidance, explore favorite musical ideas (such as movements,
vocalizations, or instrumental accompaniments).
National Standard(s) Music Education:
1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
a. perform on at least one instrument 1 accurately and independently, alone and in small
and large ensembles, with good posture, good playing position, and good breath, bow, or stick
Academic language used: nursery rhyme, woodblock, sing, play, guiro, shakers

1. Have the students come in and hold hands to form a circle; when the circle looks good have
them sit down criss cross applesauce.
2. Play and sing Lets Clap Together to start off the lesson.
3. Read to the class There Was and Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe, asking questions
throughout to keep them engaged.
4. Introduce the class to the Old Woman chant; have them repeat after teacher and say it part
by part. Once they are able to recite it, add the background music.
5. Next have the kids stand up and grab hands in a circle; start the music for Old Woman and
lead the class through the motions of the song.
6. Bear Hunt - start the SmartBoard file and lead the kids through the motions of the song.
Have the stuffed bear puppet waiting in the wings for the part where the kids are in the
cave. Go around the room with the bear and say hello to each child with the bear.
7. Lead the kids through the Humpty Dumpty chant with or without the supporting music. Make
sure each is saying the rhyme accurately.
8. Pass out the woodblocks and start the music for Humpty Dumpty after explaining the rules.
They will sing, then play during the musical interlude, then sing again.
9. Elephants Have Wrinkles - start the SmartBoard file and lead the kids through the motions
of the song.
10. Lead the kids through the Mary Had a Little Lamb chant with the supporting music.
11. Have the kids sit in a circle and pick one student to play Mary and one to be the lamb. The
child who plays Mary gets shakers and the child who plays the lamb gets the guiro to imitate
the sound a sheep makes. The lamb will follow Mary around the circle while the other kids
sing the song.
12. If extra time remains, sing Little Turtle and do the motions with the kids.
13. Pull up Lets Wave Together to sing as a goodbye song.
14. Line the kids up at the door and start playing Follow Follow Me as they are walking out the

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