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Name iS AEK The Story of the Rwandan Genocide Task: You will write the story of the genocide from the perspective of a person living during that time period. You will take on their role and explain the events in chronological order as they unfolded. Make sure to include all important events and facts to help the reader understand exactly what happened during the genocide. A printed copy of your story is due at the beginning of class on Thursday, November 19th, Roles (choose one): Perpetrator Victim Bystander Rubric: - Story has a ar caster xoplanation of their role inthe genocide _.”) /5 « P Story includes baékgrovnd and history information prior to the genocide A po Story includes an explanation of the events during the genocide Ions Story includes an explanation of what happened after the genocide “~t_ fo Winat \nao atin? stan) NaN NAR PRM ARH Sys TOTAL Comments: Ott 1 Matthew Ott Mrs.O*Conner Global Studies 19 November 2015 Rwandan Genocide Growing up as a Tutsi, life was made much better for us. We got treated a lot more better and we had more people on our side of things. I was living the normal life going to school everyday like any other kid would until one day it was different. I was seeing people walking down the roads in military uniforms carrying guns and machetes. At first I thought it was just the usual training they do so I didn’t bother to worry. The next day I saw the same thing again but this time the people were not wearing military uniforms and still had the same guns and ‘machetes. Now I started to question what was going on around the Rwandan area. I kept seeing the same stuff over and over again with all these people wandering around with all their weaponry. After a few weeks have past | noticed there was roadblocks and all asia were not coming to class anymore. So I asked my parents what was going on but they said “I am too young to understand”. I thought that was dumb so I kept going around asking people until this one old man told me what was happening. The man said “The Rwandan place is going into a death pit and all the Tea not safe anymore. The Tutsi population wants to take over the Country and take out all the Hutus for their own ethnic group and religious beliefs”. Now that I cS knew what was going on I figured out what this all was. It was a genocide taking place and I am v 0 | onthe good side watching the others die. At this point I didn’t know what to do and I did not like o Ye ort2 the idea of a genocide happening around me. I then saw the unseeable, I now have seen a group of people lined up and shot in the back of their heads. After witnessing this act of cruelty and discourage to another culture I noticed I needed to get out of this place. Inow decided to leave my family so, I wouldn’t get mistaken for a Hutu and get killed, It ‘was days later I found a place to survive at. It had a shelter with water by it and food supply in the building. To me this was lucky to have until all the carnage was done. After a week I noticed that it had all calmed down so I headed back home. Once there my house was all torn apart with no human life to exist there. I started to let tears run down my face and splash against the cold tom up floor. I now knew I needed a family to take care of me or I would be alone in this hard world,

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