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(2nd grade, Mrs.

Amos- Language Arts)

I. TOPIC: Apples and Pumpkins: Similarities and Differences. Time: 35 minutes
- PA Standard: 1.2.2.D: Make inferences from text when studying a topic and draw
conclusions, citing evidence from the text to support answers.
- PA Standard: 1.6.2.A: Listen actively and respond to others in small and large group
situations (with grade level appropriate questions, ideas, information, or opinions).
- PA Standard: 1.8.2.C: Share and explain the results of research using visual aids.
- Objective: After reading and discussing the books Apple Harvest and Pumpkin Harvest
TSWBAT identify and write down three differences between a pumpkin and apple and
one similarity to the teachers satisfaction.
Anticipatory Set (8 minutes):
The teacher will ask the students to gather on the rug for a story. She will ask what the
students what season it is? The students will say fall. She will gather prior knowledge of
apples, the read the story (pg 4-18) and repeat this same procedure for pumpkins (pg 418). The teacher will stop to ask engaging questions as she reads, such as, how does this
differ from what we just learned about apples, etc.
Development and Guided Practice (7 minutes):
After reading the teacher will define similarity and difference.
Define similarity: when looking at two items, something that is the same/alike
(ex. hair color, eye color, sex, etc. between two students in the class)
And difference: when looking at two items, something that is different/unalike
(ex. hair color, eye color, sex, etc. between two students in the class)
Write similar and different on the board.
The teacher will explain that since it is fall time we are going to compare and contrast fall
items, briefly discuss similarities and differences between a pumpkin and an apple.
Independent Practice (8 minutes)Send the students to their desks to think-pair-share 3 differences and 1 similarity.
Guided Practice (7 minutes)The class will share similarities and differences of a pumpkin and an apple. The
teacher will ask questions to help them uncover some similarities and differences (as
seen below) if they dont come up with all of them. As the students share the teacher
will write on the pumpkin and apple Venn diagram. The students will copy down the
information brainstormed as a class and then the class will revisit the definition of
similar and difference.

Closure (5 minutes)The teacher will ask, can someone tell me what a similarity is? *See definition above.
Ask about difference too. Return the lead to Mrs. Amos.
Pumpkin Harvest by Calvin Harris
Apple Harvest by Calvin Harris
Dry Erase Marker
Large Labeled Pumpkin, Apple, and Leaf
Black Marker
Pumpkin and Apple Venn Diagram worksheet
Computer/Smartboard (if needed)
Websites: Pinterest
If there is more time the students will share more examples, color the pumpkin and
apple, or watch this pumpkin video:
Formative: Think-pair-share, the teacher will circulate and listen to student conversation.
Summative: No summative assessment at this time.
Was the objective clearly met?
Did the students stay engaged? At what point did they seems to lose interest?
3. What do I need to do differently during my next lesson?

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