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(2nd grade, Mrs.

Amos- Language Arts)

I. TOPIC: The Original Cinderella vs. the Cinderella of Halloween
Time: 35 minutes
- PA Standard: 1.2.2.D: Make inferences from text when studying a topic and draw
conclusions, citing evidence from the text to support answers.
- PA Standard: 1.6.2.A: Listen actively and respond to others in small and large group
situations (with grade level appropriate questions, ideas, information, or opinions).
- PA Standard: 1.8.2.C: Share and explain the results of research using visual aids.
- Objective: After reading and discussing the story of Cinderella (both the Original
Cinderella and the Cinderella of Halloween) TSWBAT state 3 differences and 1
similarity between the two Cinderellas to the teachers satisfaction.
Anticipatory Set/Development(20 minutes):
Today we are going to be talking about a holiday that is coming up.
The teacher will ask, What holiday are we celebrating on Saturday?
(Student response: Halloween!)
Today when I say Hocus Pocus, you respond Everybody focus.
Lets try it! (*repeat until it is mastered).
Tell the students to take a moment to share with their neighbor what you are going to
dress up as for Halloween. If some students are not going Trick-or-treating have them
share what they are going to do over the weekend.
!Hocus Pocus, Everybody Focus
The teacher will say, I have a random question, who has heard of the story: Cinderella?
Could you tell me about it? *Call on 2-3 students to retell the story.
Because Halloween is right around the corner we are going to read a story called:
Cinderhazel: The Cinderella of Halloween by Deborah Nourse Lattimore
Before we begin, though, I want to review what we talked about last time I was here.
We defined two words: Similarity and Difference.
Remind your neighbor what similarity is.
similarity: when looking at two items, something that is the same/alike
Ask a student to share, write definition on board (similarity: alike, same)
Remind your neighbor what difference is.
difference: when looking at two items, something that is different/unalike
Ask a student to share, write definition on board (difference: not alike)
Read the story, stop to ask engaging questions that touch on comparing and contrasting.
(Ex. Why do they choose the name "Cinderhazel?" *Cinder is a piece of partly burned
coal or wood. What will happen next (make predictions w/ Cinderella on the vacuum
cleaner...)? How is this different than the Original story of Cinderella?)

Guided Practice/Independent Practice (10 minutes):

The students will head back to their seats and the teacher will guide them through one
similarity and one difference.
Ex. Original Cinderella- Cleaned, Cinderhazel- Made things dirtier!
Then the students will work silently (3 minutes).
Then work with a neighbor (5 minutes).
Closure (5 minutes)Then the teacher will say, !Hocus Pocus, students will respond, Everybody Focus and the
class will work together, gathering all of their similarities and differences on the Venn
diagram on the board.
The teacher will ask, can someone tell me what a similarity is? Please give an example
too. *See definition above.
The teacher will ask, can someone tell me what a difference is? Please give an example
too. *See definition above.
Return the lead to Mrs. Amos.
Cinderhazel: The Cinderella of Halloween by Deborah Nourse Lattimore
Smartboard/Pen (a blank page to write definitions on, put the Venn diagram on the
board too)
Original Cinderella vs. Cinderhazel Venn digrams
If there is more time the students will draw pictures of Cinderella and Cinderhazel in
the little circle picture frame attached to their Venn diagram.
Formative: Hocus Pocus- Everybody Focus, engaging questions, circulating the room
during independent practice time.
Summative: No summative assessment at this time.
Was the objective clearly met?
Did the students stay engaged? At what point did they seems to lose interest?
3. What do I need to do differently during my next lesson?

Teachers Key:
Original Cinderella Name: Cinderella
Cleaned up
Everyday person
Headed to the Ball
Prince Charming
Rode to the Ball in a Pumpkin
Fairy godmother
Granted her a beautiful dress and pumpkin carriage
Ran away at midnight
Glass slippers
Lived Happily Ever After

Cinderhazel Name: Cinderhazel

Made things dirty
Headed to the Witches Halloween Ball
Prince Alarming
Rode to the Ball on a Vaccum cleaner
Witchy godmother
Granted her a Vaccum cleaner to get to the ball
Grass Clippers
Lived Filthily Ever After
Two Step-sisters and a step-mother
Went to the ball
Magic wore off at midnight
Fell in love with the prince
Lived happily/fithily ever after

Original Cinderella


Name: _________________________




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