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Here I only

made small
changes to the
paragraph of our
double page
spread copy, the
main change I
made was
highlighting the
fact that we as
producers and
subjects have a

Here the only

changes which have
been made are
surrounding the
obsession of mobile
phones with

In this part of our copy I have

inserted, edited and changed a
number of things. I have included
ourselves into the copy and talked
about how we are obsessed I also
corrected grammatical mistakes
and I changed the end part as it
didnt make sense.

Here I have had to

change the tense the
copy was written in, it
had been written as if
we, the filmmakers
wrote it whereas it
needs to be written
from the magazines
point of view.
Here I inserted a quote from
one of our experts as it gives
the copy for our double page
spread more variety and
engages more with the

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