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The Ten Key Concepts are things we are supposed to be working on to become

proficient and all-around better writers. Some I feel like I have a firm grasp on. Others,
unfortunately, have been harder to achieve. One of the strengths that I believe I have is
the ability to make connections. As writers, we should strive to achieve intertexuality in
what we do. All of writings should be connected and relevant to the topic to which we are
writing on. In my essay regarding what I am passionate about, I feel like I was able to
explore many different avenues with my writing without it getting of topic. An example
is relating the degenerating diet and health of our generation with why I am passionate
about running.
Another concept I believe I have acquired is the responsibility for my own learning. I
have been on top of all my assignments and have not missed class. I find it a lot easier to
stay motivated and organized in a class when the topics are on things that interest me.
This class has allowed me to write on these topics and has also improved my independent
inquiry. I enjoy researching topics and forming arguments on topics that interest me. An
example is my research on Super PACs for our next writing assignment. The American
political system fascinates me and has made my inquiry on it much simpler.
Not all of the key concepts have be strengths of mine though. Some of things that I
have had to work on in this class is getting out of my comfort zone and the composing
process. Getting out of the comfort zone is something that can be difficult for everyone.
The peer editing process has been something that has gotten done this to me. I had never
edited anyone elses writing I didnt think I would be able to offer valid criticism.
Fortunately, I have found it much easier than I anticipated and believe it has helped me
improve as a writer also. My classmates have also offered many valid criticisms that have
helped me write a better essay. I honestly believe that being able to get out of my comfort
zone has been great for my writing.
The process of composing an essay has always been a weakness if mine. I usually
start out with an idea and just write, seeing wherever it takes me. I feel like this process,
or lack there of, has made for some unorganized essays. In this class though, the writing
process is planned out and given more time for development. This has been something
that I have always had trouble with, being able to plan a good essay. But having a more
structured period for planning has improved the essays that I have written. I was unsure
that my passion essay would be an organized essay because I have so many thoughts
and feelings about it that may snowball and lose sight of the topic. But being able to
thoughtful plan out my writings allowed for me to write a better, more organized essay. A
great example of this is the addition and improvement of my memory of my first race that
was included in my Passion essay. The first draft failed to comment on the important
memory rather than myself knowing I had to win. As we worked to develop a memory
for the essay, I was able to add much more descriptive and sensory detail. I describe the
moment as being a cool and sunny day, perfect for being outside. I also included the
advice of my gym teacher warning us not to go out to fast on the first lap. All of these
improvements have allowed me to expand upon this pivotal moment. This is the power of
proper planning and review.

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