CNS 220 Final Project Part 1: Personal Action Plan

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KaDeidra Baker

December 2, 2015

CNS 220 Final Project

Part 1: Personal Action Plan
If you have a dream, you can spend a lifetime studying, planning,
and getting ready for it. What you should be doing is getting
-Drew Houston, Founder/CEO of Dropbox

The purpose of this project is to integrate and mobilize your new skills, resources, experiences
and knowledge into a plan you can use to create meaningful action toward your personal and
career-related goals. This final project, your Action Plan, along with your Meta-Reflection, will
allow you to consolidate your new competencies and understanding of yourself, as well as
options in the world of work that are relevant to you.
Checklist to complete this project:
Answer the following prompts and complete the action plan on the following pages.
Please complete this electronically by filling out this document.
Complete a career coaching appointment with a career coach in the OPCD to review your
action plan for feedback.
Write your meta-reflection based on the prompts provided after this action plan
Please follow the prompts listed here and integrate 8-10 resources from our course as supporting
material, evidence for your plan, or new information that informs your future actions. You will
start by reviewing your progress and citing the experiences that have created impact and
This project is a template you can use now and as your goals unfold, or shift in the future. Ive
provided this blank template for your Action Plan on Sakai and our ePortfolio website. Keep it and
feel free to use it in the future.
First, begin by answering these questions for yourself. Be as complete as you can, using a
sentences or two for each prompt:
I enrolled in this course for this primary purpose or because: I enrolled in this course
because, as a senior, I felt it would be worthwhile to explore the options that will become
available to me after I graduate in May.
When I started this class, I was considering this/these options in the world of work: When I
started this class I was considering working in the field of law working at some capacity
with children.
At the beginning of our course, these were my initial assumptions/thoughts about myself
and the world of work as it related to me
1. The career I started after graduation would be my career for the rest of my life.
2. As a graduating senior, I should be looking strictly for paid employment rather
than unpaid internships.
3. I already knew exactly what I want to do with my life after graduation.

KaDeidra Baker
December 2, 2015
Next, continue by considering the results of your self-assessment undertaken through our course.
You may wish to review the Self-Assessment section of your ePortfolio. Write a sentence or two to
answer these prompts:
What are the key points you have learned about yourself as it relates to your current
ideas related to career goals? Which projects, experiences or readings provided this
learning? List 3-5 key learnings and the rationale/or sources for class that help clarify this
1. I really value love. I value the love my family shares for one another and I also
hope to someday embark upon a career that I truly love. I learned this early on in
the class when we looked at lists of skills and values and starred what meant the
most to us.
2. I also learned that it is okay to have different values from other people. It does not
make either of us bad people, it just makes us different. This was most apparent
when the class was asked what some of their values were and many people had
different answers.
3. Additionally, I learned that sometimes it is okay to brag on yourself. This is really
hard for me, personally, however as Professor Robinson has said in class, the only
person that can really tell your story is you.
4. Also in doing the career genogram, I noticed the non-traditional, matriarchal
structure of my family. While both men and women, historically, have worked in
my family the women have tended to take on more powerful roles, in many
respects. Recognizing this fact put a lot into perspective when thinking about the
overall power structure of my family as well as what role I will be expected to take
in my family as I begin to come of age.
5. I also learned to examine more fields aside from just law. Since the group research
project I have examined more about the field of social work as well as ways that
social work and the law work together in many instances.

What has been the most valuable piece of information you have learned about yourself as
it relates to opportunities of value to you? How did you learn this as part of our course?
The most valuable piece of information that I have learned about myself is that I
do not have to tie myself down to any one thing right now. I should always keep
my options open. As is noted in Roadtrip Nation and as I have quoted many
times in assignments for this class my last road is not necessarily my last.
Needless to say, learning this has been refreshing in many ways to me in my
career exploration.

Now, think about the exploration and research you have conducted and write a sentence or two
to answer the following for yourself. Again, you may wish to look at your Career Research and
Exploration section of your ePortfolio.
How did you explore and research career-related opportunities and options? How would
you summarize the resources/experiences that have been most helpful?
The group project and the applied research project were most helpful to me in my
exploration of career options. These assignments provided me the knowledge of
online resources like O-Net that I had previously never even heard of.

What do you need to be doing now based on your class year at Wake Forest and the
options you are currently exploring? hint: take a look at the OPCD site (it lists activities by
year and the explore careers tab here: gives
a timeline for specific career fields)

KaDeidra Baker
December 2, 2015
As a senior, I will be taking my LSAT to apply to law school this coming Saturday. I
plan to apply to schools over winter break, and spend the bulk of next semester
securing housing and/or applying for jobs if I do not decide to enroll in law school
next fall. For the most part, I would say that I am on track with my class.
My list of key points and valuable personal learning is the following:

I am the one who is largely in control of my life. I should not be bound by others expectations of me or
by tools like the Strong Interest Inventory. At the end of the day, my life is my decision to make.

Personally, I have also learned the importance of being happy and loving what I do, regardless of
financial gains.

My plans for growth are:

Reaching out and networking more with professionals

Keeping my LinkedIn profile as well as my resume updated

Gaining more experience by job shadowing

KaDeidra Baker
December 2, 2015

Options in the World of Work: Career Action Plan

[December 2, 2015]
Please type your action plan goals below and provide the rationale (the reason you plan to do
this) and course-related source for this goal. Excellent action plans will draw on 8-10 different
sources from class (e.g. projects, experiences, readings, lectures, resources). It is important to
anticipate barriers to reaching your goals. This may be as simple as time limitations during finals
week. If we can identify barriers or obstacles, we can also identify resources that will help us
overcome these obstacles so out momentum on reaching the goals is not diminished.
Step 1: Self-Assessment
Based on what you have learned about yourself, the world of work, values and career related
interests, list your most important information about yourself (column 1). I also expect you to
describe the rationale and source of this learning (e.g., Strong Interest Inventory, Career
Genogram, Values Lecture, journal entry, etc.).
Self-Assessment/Career Related Knowledge
Loving my career field and being passionate
about what I do it more important than money

I would love a career helping people,

especially people that cannot help themselves
My family is also very important to me. I would
not want to take a job too, too far away from them



Strong Interest Inventory

Informational Interview
Career Genogram

Step 2: Short-Term Goals for the Next Thirty (30) Days

In Step 2, Im going to ask you to set some short-term goals based on what youve learned about
yourself above. These goals may be based on information you received in an informational
interview, from your job shadow, perspective gained at an OPCD workshop, data you explored on
particular career-related web sites or from our readings or experiences. Example short-term goals
might look like:
Apply for 10 different marketing related internships before April 30 . Rationale: I need to
build professional experience on my resume before junior year (source: informational
interview with alumni contacted through LinkedIn as part of Informational Interview
Arrange 2 Job Shadows in hometown for June. Rationale: increasing my network gives me
more access to hidden job market (source: Job Shadow Preparation Presentation).

In this table, list two (2) short-term goals for next thirty (30) days and action steps to reach them.
Include a date to complete the goals and action steps (column 1). You should support your goal
with an appropriate rationale/source from the course or your exploration that explains your
reason or motivation for the short-term goals (column 2).
Short-Term Goals for the Next Thirty (30)
Rationale/Source from Course or
1. The LSAT is needed for law school
Goal 1: Take the LSAT (12/5/15)
Action Step a. Continue studying/taking
practice tests
1a. Graduate school panel
Action Step b. Get rest before the test
1b. Informational interview

KaDeidra Baker
December 2, 2015
Goal 2: Begin applying for law schools (12/31/15)
Action Step a. Ask for recommendation letters
Action Step b. Write/edit personal statement

2. Law school is needed to become an

2a. Graduate school panel
2b. Informational interview

Now that youve spent some time identifying your short-term goals for the next thirty (30) days, I
want you to think about any potential obstacles you may encounter in the process of reaching
these goals and completing your action steps. Additionally, please identify resources you may use
to overcome these obstacles (e.g., identify the tools, information, planning and/or people who can
help you).
Potential Obstacles to Completing ShortResources to Overcome Potential
Term Goals
1. Balancing finals/end of the semester with
the LSAT
1. Breathing exercises for stress
2. Balancing my job over winter break with
applying to schools
2. Creating a schedule
3. Crafting a personal statement that is
3. Asking people to read my applications
reflective of me
before I submit them
Step 3: Long-Term Goals for the Next Three (3) Months
Now, in Step 3, I want you to set two (2) long-term goals and actions steps to help you reach
them. Example long-term goals might look like:
Join the Executive Committee of Wake and Shake. Rationale: recruiters like to see
leadership on a resume (source: Internship Presentation in Class & OPCD Job Search
Conduct informational interview with attorneys in my county by end of August. Rationale:
explore law schools that may network or offer recruiting options within my home
state/region to determine top choices for law school applications (Source:
Graduate/Professional School Panel information)
Take Computer Science course next semester. Rationale: basic programming important
skill for one of my industries of choice (Source: informational interview #2 with alumnus
at Red Ventures)
Long-Term Goals for the Next Three (3)
Goal 1: Conduct more informational interviews
Action Step a. Reaching out on LinkedIn
Action Step b. Using connections back home
Goal 2: Continue to build my resume
Action Step a. Continue researching with
Action Step b. Look for job opportunities

Rationale/Source from Course or

1. More networking opportunities and
1a. Graduate school panel
1b. Career coach appointment
2. Better resume and more experience
2a. Graduate school panel
2b. Career coach appointment

Just as you did with your short-term goals, I want you to think about any potential obstacles you
may encounter in the process of reaching your long-term goals and completing your action steps.
Additionally, please identify resources you may use to overcome these obstacles (e.g., identify
the tools, information, planning and/or people who can help you).
Potential Obstacles to Completing Long-Term
Resources to Overcome Potential
1. Few people respond to my request for interviews
1. Ask other professionals for interviews

KaDeidra Baker
December 2, 2015
2. Not getting a job/research opportunity
3. Not having the time to pursue these goals

2. Seek other positions

3. Creating a schedule

Accountability Partner (with whom will you share

this plan):


After you have completed the Action Plan and had it reviewed by a career coach in the OPCD,
take some time to write up your meta-reflection for the course using the prompts on the next

KaDeidra Baker
December 2, 2015

Part 2: Meta-Reflection
Focusing my attention on exploring the world of work has impacted my
thinking greatly. In fact, the group research project had one of the greatest impact
on my career exploration. I have always thought that I wanted to be an attorney.
More specifically, I want to practice family law working mostly with children and
juvenile offenders. For my group research project I researched human services.
Human services, and more specifically social work, had a lot of similarities with
family law. This made me think long and hard about what side of family law I want
to be on the social work side, or the judicial side. In my informational interviews
and my meeting with the career coach, however, I have found that my interests
more so lie in the legal/policy side of things rather than in social work. However, as
we have been told time and time again in class readings and lectures, I am still
keeping my options open. I feel that in conducting my informational interviews with
someone in the law field and someone in the social work field was invaluable to my
personal development. Their insight into two often very similar fields was very
helpful to me. Hearing both of their perspectives on the field definitely gave me
some idea on where I thought I could fit in it all once I embark upon my own
career. Next for me in the process, I am taking my LSAT on this coming Saturday in
preparation to apply to law school. I plan to use the advice given during the
graduate school panel as I begin applying to schools this month. Hopefully, things
will work in my favor and I will be accepted to enroll in school next fall. With the
semester that I have left here at Wake Forest I plan to seek out and use all of the
resources that are available for me to use as a student. Prior to this class I did not
realize how many websites were free to me as a student here at Wake Forest!
Creating my ePortfolio has made me realize that I am capable of doing a lot
more than I give myself credit for. Coming into the class late and having to play
catch up, I felt like I was drowning for a good bit of the class however looking back
at all of the work that I have been able to accomplish, I am somewhat proud of
myself. More specifically, the journals were very helpful to me. They allowed me
time to reflect something that I feel that we, as college students, truly do not do
enough of. Reflecting through journal writings was a nice way for me to debrief and
examine my growth while still growing. I imagine that looking back on these journal
entries in years and months to come will allow me to see even better, how much I
have grown personally as well as professionally. Additionally, in creating the
ePortfolio, it was very helpful to me to explore careers with the applied research
project. Not only did this project allow me to explore careers but it also allowed me
to research the costs of living and other expenses in certain areas. This was
especially helpful to me as I will be deciding where I will live once I graduate college
very, very soon. I hope to look back at this part of my ePortfolio and remember the
sites that are available for me to use when determining living expenses and
expected salaries in certain areas. It was also very helpful to me to post my LinkedIn
updates on my ePortfolio. My LinkedIn profile has grown immensely since I started
this class. It is truly reflected in my ePortfolio.

KaDeidra Baker
December 2, 2015
As stated above, the ePortfolio and the class, as a whole, has really taught
me that I am able to do much more than I could have ever imagined. The
informational interviews were extremely helpful to me. Especially when the social
worker that I interviewed outlined the distinction between her career in social work
and other careers more geared toward family law. Ms. Clore told me that as a social
worker she is often on the front lines dealing with issues rather than doing the
behind the scenes legal/policy work. While both fields are of great interest to me, I
definitely feel as though I am a more behind the scenes person. That distinction was
extremely helpful to me. Additionally, the class also surprised me in how easy is
actually is to network with people. Specifically, in my career coaching appointment,
the career coach that I met will pointed me in the direction of a number of other
people that could become great resources for me. The reading materials covered in
this class were also of great help to me. Frankls observation that the meaning of
ones life does not remain the same day to day or even hour to hour was especially
refreshing for me to hear. I find comfort in knowing that just so long as I feel
fulfilled, I am where I am supposed to be, and even if I do not feel fulfilled, I have
the skills necessary to find that sense of fulfillment. I definitely think that
sentiments like this as well as information interviews would be helpful to other
undergraduates. I feel that oftentimes we get so wrapped up in thinking Oh, this
person has it all together or Oh, that person already has a job offer that we
forget that we are all human, and most of us are all just trying to figure out the
same thing how to make it.

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