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Off the southeastern coast of Greece and formed

from 6 islands is the Cyclades. These islands are

known for pottery and sculpture. List two examples
of well known art from that place and era.
Two examples of well known art from the coast of Greece
and the islands of the Cyclades are, The Female Idol
from Chalandriani, Isle of Syros, Greece, and male
musicians. It was mostly of pottery and small marble

Crete (thought by many to be the origin of the

fabled lost city of Atlantis), is famous for things
related to a specific animal. Name the animal and
two things related to that animal in Minoan culture
and lore. Also read about a fantastic sport related
to that animal by going to the link.Link (Links to an
external site.) Be sure to read in the chapter about
Linear A and B and observe the beauty of what
remains of the Palace at Knossos.
The specific animal that is famous in Create is the socalled man-beast, or Minotaur. Theseus was the hero
who essentially slayed the Minotaur, and was taken place
at Knossos. Before the beast was slayed, it was said by
Homer that youths (young adults) were sent to a labyrinth
to be sacrificed to the Minotaur. The sport related to the
link was called bull leaping. The were often sacrificed, and
became something huge in the Crete world. Linear A is a
pictograph. These are refined articles of ivory, metal and
pottery. Pictographs were used during the Middle Minoan
period, with the walls of the great palaces had this form of
writing. Linear B was developed in the Late Minoan Period.
This was finally decided as a form of Greek writing. It is a
script found on clay tablets that indicate the presence of
Greek-speaking people. These people are Mycenaeans.

On page 288 there are pictures of two famous

structures in Mycenae. List both and describe each.
Mycenaen peoples were also known for their death
masks. How were they created?
The first famous structure is the Lion Gate (c. 1300 BCE)
This was one of the entry ways to the citadel of that city.
The gateway has a heavy lintel that beveled to form an
open triangle. The second famous structure is The
Treasury of Atreus. Both are in Mycenae, Greece. This
second one is a tomb that was named by Schliemann. He
believed that it was the tomb of an ancient Greek King
named Atreus. The tomb has the dromos, which is a
narrow passage that leads to the tomb, and the tholos,
that is the shape of the tomb. The shape is that of a beehive. The masks were created from thin hammered sheets
of gold and placed over faces of the deceased. The
masked were styled to recreate specific characteristics
that distinguished them different from all of the others.
Things styled were the ears, eyebrows, and eyes.

Listed below are Three Dynasties of China, Select

2 and read about the art. Qin was responsible for
the terracotta Chinese warriors and the Great wall
of China. Talk about two things from each. You will
need to research this online.



Shang Dynasty: The Shang Dynasty was thought to exist

around 1700 B.C. to around 1100 B.C. This was essentially
the first dynasty in China. The people in this time discovered
bronze, and had many of the crafts people working with the

bronze, which turned into developing large cities. They then

began to make bronze weapons as well. Most of the Shang
people were pheasant farmers and typically part of the poor
economy. This lead to them becoming slaves as well. Source:
Qin Dynasty: The Qin Dynasty wasnt long, but had a large
impact on China itself. The name China was derived from
the word Qin itself. This period was from 221 to 203 BCE,
and followed the Zhou Dynasty. If your life was meaningless
in this time, it truly was. If you contributed to the area and
were highly involved, you would be rewarded. Those were
became slaves worked on projects such as the Great Wall of
China, the Grand Canal, and the roads in China. The Qin
Dynasty came to an end when the emporer Shi Huangto died
on a journey he took. He was in constant fear of being
murdered. People now days believe he took the journey to
find a way of giving himself immortality. He had his tomb
built with his terracotta warriors, and no one knows the
cause of his death. The roads made in the time of Shi
Huangto are still here today and link many cities together
through out China. Source:

Explain three things that came from the Sindh

area of the Indus Valley of India.

First, Mohenjo-Daro was one of the most largest and oldest

cities in the Sindh area. There were fire-brick rectilinear
buildings, a main marketplace with a public well, and a
sewage sysyem.
Second, The Sindh area gave birth to the words India and
Hindu. The Mohenjo-Daro is one of the oldest civilizations in
India, and then led to Pakistan and India becoming selfgoverning states.

The Indus valley located in the Sindh Area also had produced
pictographic language with artisans who were very good at
bronze and stone sculpture.

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