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Jacob Vicnaire

Comp 1
Personal Narrative
I knew it. We both did. As soon as I felt the chilled breeze from Walmart blast onto my
searing skin, I realized that we would be caught. I was immersed with the urge to turn around
and never think about shoplifting again, but I was already too deep in. My partner in crime? His
name was Curtis. We both had two things in common; we both were young, and we both wanted
the admiration of all of the kids at school. However, we would soon find out that our little plan
would go on no longer than that very day. This is the day that my life was forever changed.
Curtis, we have to do this! Everyone is doing it now, and this is our chance to fit in! I
gave him a little push
Besides, we won't get caught! Adam grips things all the time!
Alright, I guess youre right. I felt the rough textiles on my backpack as I lifted it up
and heaved it up around my shoulders. We had decided to skateboard to Walmart. We both
grabbed our skateboards and made our trek to the nearest Walmart.
Lets stop here dude Curtis said, in his usual subdued tone.
Alright, by this tree? I asked as I got off my skateboard, feeling a tingling sensation in
my feet.
yeah dude
When we stopped, we decided on last minute details that we thought should be
hammered out before our big heist.

I approached the door with utmost carefulness out of fear that I would look out of
place (Something that, in the end, probably got us caught). As I felt the cool air on my skin, I
found confidence, and immediately calmed down. I turned my head to the left, and saw a door
that I had never noticed before.
I wonder where that goes I thought to myself.
We had decided to split up, so I veered right, while he veered off to the left.
Jackets I heard myself whisper as I felt my legs steer me toward the clothing section of the
store. As soon as I felt my feet land softly on the carpet of the clothing section, I lost my piece of
mind. I felt hammering on the inside of my chest, I felt sweat pour down my clammy skin, but
what was the most painful of all of these feelings was a thought. Just one little thought, which
was I'm going to get caught.
The next thing I knew, I felt the warm, soft fabric of the jacket that I had selected on my
arms. I walked past several employees, and to my surprise, they were completely oblivious.
Then, I strided over to our secret rendezvous; a corner in the back of the store where a blind spot
in the cameras were.
Curtis! What did you get so far?
A knife, some candy, and this he claimed proudly, as he pulled a hat out of his
Yeah? Well I got this jacket, and walked passed some employees with it on! I felt
We both decided to make it away with as much as we could, so I walked over to where
the location of the pocket knives and shoved two of the coolest looking ones in the pockets of my
new jacket. After acquiring the knives, I decided that I should get a hat too, so I made my way

back to the clothing section. I saw only one hat, out of the fifty that they had in stock. It was a
Mountain Dew hat, and it sat snug on my head when I tried it on. It had deep swirling green
designs on a black background. It was perfect. I kept the hat on, then put my hood up. I was
ready to leave.
I felt my right thigh vibrating when my phone rang.Curtis I read on the screen. This
was our signal to leave the store using two separate exits. I had been set on exiting out of the
garden exit, while Curtis preferred the produce exit. I walked with confidence. I was 10 feet
away from the door when I felt a heavy, hard hand slam down onto my shoulder
Come with me. instructed the owner of the heavy hand. I turned around to see a beefy security
guard and a twiglike older woman that was dressed like a business person. I did not struggle. I
did not fight. I knew that what I had done was disgraceful, and I knew that I deserved to get
caught. I felt shame wash over me in waves as I walked back through the store. They led me
towards the exit where Curtis and I had entered. I laid eyes upon the door that I had observed
earlier that day. I was to discover what lie behind that door.
What I saw what was akin to a detectives office with a wall of what seemed to be
hundreds of monitors showing different security feeds. Then, I saw an ashamed Curtis, and a
couple of police officers. I told the police officers everything. I suddenly felt the police officers
handcuff me and Curtis together.
Kinda hard to run away with him chained to you, huh? the officer said to Curtis. Warm
tears dripped down my face. What would my mom and dad think? I'll never be able to get a job.
Im so stupid I thought in a frantic manner. They took us to an armored vehicle that had come to
pick us up. I felt like a killer.They handcuffed and ankle cuffed me, then attached the cuffs to a
set of rails in the van. the last thing that I saw was my dad crying, and the doors shutting.

We were put through security, had pictures taken, thumb prints recorded, and sent off to
get drug tests. After that, we each went in a separate room to talk to someone about our motives.
After, we had to sit in a holding room that was connected to the entrance. I saw my whole family
walk in. My mom smiled when she saw me, and I just stared at her with a stoney expression. I
checked out, then I got in the car with my parents.
Are you mad at me?
Of course not! said my father. I could not bring myself to say anything but Why?
Because, pal, you have already been through enough, but you are grounded for three months,
and no Trick-Or-Treating on Halloween. he said calmly, but assertively.I got home, then went to
Believe it or not, I still have that old Mountain Dew hat. It serves as a memory of the day
that changed my life forever. It also makes me realize that if I would have never been caught, I
would not be here to write this story. Now, I realize that getting caught shoplifting was probably
the best thing that ever happened to me.

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