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Brianna Lee
Mrs. DeBock
English 4
September 24, 2015

Essential Question: How would criminal profiling helps people to know the mind of a Serial
Killer and a better understanding of their motive and why they kill others?
Essential Statement: Criminal profilers have a better understanding of the murder and the
Refined Statement: Criminal profilers can get into a criminal mind and figure out what triggers
that person to kill, what gives them the motivation to keep killing, and most importantly the
killers traits and characteristics.
Annotated Bibliography
Upson, Margo. What is Criminal Profiling? Wisegeek, n.d. Wed. 24 Aug.2015.
In criminal profiling a big part would be trying to figure out who or what would trigger
this person to habitually kill. Examples would be something past tense from their childhood such
as, abuse, sexual assault, or even being bullied. They probably wanted to be noticed for the good
theyre doing instead of being chastised for how they act, appear, or talk. Statistically it would be
the oldest out of all the siblings and if not, then they could possibly be the only child. Another
way they couldve triggered is by something recent but still affective like a job they had, while
they were working. They would often feel like doing their best and trying to get everyone else to

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see that but when their fired they feel if they were taken advantage of and was not recognized
like they should have been and they react by getting revenge. This article shows how the
background of a persons life can trigger them to start killing.

Margolick, David. Rarity for U.S. Executions: White Dies for Killing Black. New York Times 7
Sept. 1991. Opposing Viewpoints in Context.
I really like this article because it showed a good example of what drives their inner
thoughts and keeps their adrenalin pumping to even want them to keep killing. This man is local
they called him Pee Wee Gaskins. This man driven to keep killing because he a great
repugnance toward African Americans. Every time he killed it made him feel like he had a job to
do like African Americans had to be removed. He was so motivated he drowned a white woman
because she was pregnant by a black man. He only was known for murdering 13 people but he
himself confessed he did over 100 killings. It is safe to say that the motivation of a killer is very
passionate, to them they think their reasoning is the absolute solution for their problems. This is
an accommodating article when youre trying to find examples of the killer inner thoughts and
the goal they have to keep killing. This article can show how the persons emotion and inner
thoughts can control their minds to keep killing.

Snook, Brent. "Criminal Profiling: Granfalloons and Gobbledygook." Skeptic (Altadena, CA) 2
(2008): 42. Academic OneFile. Web. 24 Sept. 2015.
Criminal profiling help really big when it comes down to determining what kind of killer
it is. Other . When looking at the scene and evidence from a serial killer you can see pattern-

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seekers, this means more than likely they are going to get caught because they follow a pattern
every time they kill. If it is someone who stabs their victim repeatedly without showing any
remorse then theyre characteristics would be angry and it could be something very personal. If
the killer is always killing brunette women around their 30s then they know that the suspect is a
male and the bruises they leave can also show how built they are. Criminal profilers can get all
this from a crime scene evidence and the characteristics would be so consistent and concrete.

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