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; This file defines the dismissal phrases and actions for messages that may pop u

p as Access is processing
; a file.
; If a message pops up that is not defined in this file, then it will be closed
(in the same way as
; clicking the 'X' in the upper right-hand corner of the window).
; This file may have separate locale sections for any language desired. Each lo
; section must begin with a #... tag defining the region.
; Each line must be terminated by a line feed, and will define search parameters
for matching
; windows that pop up during processing. The case of the search parameters does
not matter. The
; order of the lines matters, as the first line with matching text is used.
; The format of each line is: <caption text>|<window text>|<button text>
; Any section may be left blank, and the default will be used:
<caption text> - default will match any caption in any window.
<window text> - default will match any window text in any window.
<button text> - default will close the window without pressing any button
(same as clicking
the 'X' in the upper right-hand corner of the window).
security notice||open
|would you like to continue opening it|yes
|Want to continue loading the project|yes

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