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Level 4 Level 3 Level Level 1 Content: Main Topics Topics are clear and well defined. The topic catches the eye of reader with support and detailed information, Topic are well defined, but ‘the supporting material does not stand out. Topics are partially defined, but needs more supporting information to make topic well defined Topics are not clear. Supporting information does not resemble the topics Voice: Personality The writer writes from experience and knowledge. The writer uses ideas to make for a better understanding on topics. The writer writes from experience and knowledge, but does not use ideas clearly to support the experience and knowledge. Conventions: Penmanship Paper is typed or written Paper is typed or written ‘The writer writes from some experience and knowledge, but does not use ideas. ‘The paper is readable but the | The writer writes from no experience and knowledge. There are several distractions neatly with no distracting | with no more than 2 reader has to effort make out | that makes the paper ‘corrections. distracting corrections. some words unreadable. Conventions: Capitalization | There is no mistakes or errors | Writer makes no more than 2 | Writer makes 4 to 5 mistakes | Writer makes more than 5 and Punctuation in capitalization and (or 3 mistakes or errors in | or errors in capitalization and | errors or mistakes. This Punctuations. This makes it | capitalization and Punctuation, This makes the | makes it very difficult for the easy for the reader to read. punctuations. This still makes it easy for the reader to read reader distracted and very attentive. reader to read and understand, Conventions: Grammar and Spelling There is no mistakes or errors in grammar and spelling. This makes it easy for the reader toread. ‘Writer makes no more than 2 ‘0r3 mistakes or errors in grammar and spelling. This still makes it easy for the reader to read. Writer makes 4 to 5 mistakes or errors in grammar and spelling. This makes the reader distracted and very attentive. Writer makes more than 5 errors or mi stakes. This makes it very difficult for the reader to read and understand,

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