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University of Texas at El Paso


Jarret Williams


Eugenio Arnal



The topic of American soldiers being captured as POWs or being MIA its an important
matter for many families in the U.S. that is why I decided to talk about the importance of
the agencies in our daily society. My posters use military pictures that are easy to
recognize for most of the people. On my first poster I used a photo if the monument of
the tomb of the unknown soldiers, a monument placed in Washington for all of those
fallen heroes whose names are unknown, for the wording I went simple and just appealed
to the emotional side of American society due to the fact that the U.S. has a high value of
respect for its veterans and are recognized for their service. For my second poster I based
the same as the first one, now I used to photos to make it more aware for people by
involving a photo of a prisoner of war and a plaque made in honor for those missing in
action soldiers and those who are unknown, and at the bottom I provided a link to the
official site of the Department of POW/MIA Accounting Agency. For last I used a photo
of the Vietnam monument in which all the names of those who died or were captured
during the Vietnam war died and which is a highly know monument located as well in
Washington dc. On all of the three poster a seal of the DPAA is being shown and basic
information for were to learn more about the topic and how can one help those families.

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