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Henderson 1 Brian Henderson Professor Raymond UWRT 1103-038 30 October 2015 Henderson Family History Everyone's family has a history whether they know it or not. Researching my family members, and their history was very interesting. The Henderson family has always been very close. We are very family oriented, and try to have family reunions every five years. I have always been interested in my family and our history. I always wondered things like where we came from, and who my qe Grandparents were, This projec finally gave mea chance to do some research and find out the facts I’ve always wanted to know. I plan on doing more research in my free time, so I can learn more about my family. ‘As soon as I found out about this project I went to my cousin Norma Jean Henderson. She has been doing research for years and I knew she would be able to give me some information. 1 found out that a very long time ago, the Henderson legacy started in England ‘Someone with the last name of Anderson changed their name to Henderson. That is where my Family name, Henderson originated. My family came from England, but I’m not sure exactly , of where in England we are from. I know they came over on a boat, but I could not find a reason why. My family came from England to King George County, Virginia, They lived there fora 0) Henderson 2 very long time, until my Grandpa, David L. Henderson Sr. moved to Spotsylvania County, Virginia, ‘Then he moved to Stafford County, Virginia, which was established in 1664, That is where we live now, My Grandpa built his house with the help of his friends about forty years ‘ago, and he still lives there today. My dad, David L. Henderson Jr. also built our house. He built it right after he and my Mother, Carol Jennings Henderson got married, Which wa9) } years ago. ‘That is the same house we live in today. We have always been close to my Grandparents because we live right next door to each other ("Welcome to an Engaged 2 > ot Community."). > ad f yy A few Henderson men have been in the military. My Grandfather was one of them. He was in the Army during the Korean War, which lasted from 1950 to 1953. He worked in the communication department of the Army. After he got out of the military, he started his own construction company. ‘The company started as a carpentry business, building houses. Then he got into the road building business, and Henderson Construction Company Incorporated was formed. The company still exists today and is now run by my Father and Uncle((Millett, DOAN, YOU NOW CVV PO R). ene ‘There are a few medical problems in my family history. A few medical problems that whak dnd 4 run in my family are Gancer, Biabetes, and heart problems. My Grandpa had Qancer, and beat it Qing a few years ago. He has also had Diabetes for most of his life. My Grandmother has had heart problems in the past. She had to have one of her heart valves replaced four years ago. One is f Q eight women get feast Cancer, my Aunt Lisa was one of them. She had Breast Cancer in her Henderson 3 mid-forty’s. It eventually spread throughout other parts of her body like her liver, bones and sd w brain, My Father and Uneld both had polyps in their gallbladders, which would have eventually turned into cancer if they didn’t get them removed. My Brother and I were both told we will have to get checked earlier than normal since it runs in our family. Our family is generally healthy, we only have a few medical problems in our history("U.S. Breast Cancer Statistics."). 7 OMS = My Grandfather, Father and I all have a same common interest, racing. When my Grandpa was in his twenties, he raced Fords at the local race track, Old Dominion Speedway in. jor? 7 Olu ps Manassas, Virginia. He eventually stopped because it was too expensive at the time. When my Polyt dad was about thirty years old, he started racing gokarts at King George Speedway in King 27 George County, Virginia, He raced gokarts all over the East Coast, from New York to Florida He didn’t stop racing until he was about fifty years old. I started racing gokarts when I was five years old. I raced all up and down the East Coast just like my dad. When I turned sixteen I started racing Mazda Miatas and Late Model Stock Cars. I still race both today. Racing has been a big part of my life, and my family member's lives for a long time. | was taught that family is a very important thing ever since I could remember. I loved this project because it gave me a chance to research facts I’ve always wanted to know. I learned things like who my Great-Grandparents were and where my family came from, I’m glad I got to research information about my family’s legacy. I definitely plan on doing more research in my free time. I can’t wait to find out more interesting facts about my family history. Henderson 4 Works Cited vo Allan R. "Korean War | 1950-1953." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, 5 Aug. 2014. Web. 30 Oct. 2015. "Welcome to an Engaged Community." Stafford County, VA. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Nov. 2015, | "U.S, Breast Cancer Statistics." N.p.,d, Web. 02 Nov. 2015. L Project was + i ncluds . ee U Qenwiamhans — 1 Mowing YO ene 7 DADS POULODO/\G.PMS : ur souncan OAL NOT OMY 0) when * ZO uisvat, 1% Beit feadesgean n/e/is Recleetcr Fooly Wee Povect my Ganily io aly beta Stadt many guagle Ay Fe ily ines Oo T food te Side cesicichton — gilswult 7 hod fo be Selecive wits what Id put nto Phe_powes pote, Ft did help on don! of Nn fo Should Tats thoush+

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