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Section 2 Person Project

Joann Chavis
Salt Lake Community College


After I graduated high school I didnt know what I wanted to do with my life. I sure
didnt want to settle for a terrible fast food job. So I decided maybe if I enter college it will help
me decide (Berger, 2010, Ch. 10, Pg. 349). I went to the University of San Antonio. I just played
it safe and did my general classes hoping I would find out what I wanted to do later. One day
after class, I saw some fellow students going real fast on their rollerblades. It looked like so
much fun and the guys looked like they were getting a real rush (Berger, 2010, Ch. 11, Pg. 391).
I headed right for the nearest skate shop and bought some black and orange rollerblades. Once I
got into rollerblading, my stress of finding a career dwindled. Straight after class all I wanted to
do was blade the rest of the day with my fellow rollerblader friends.
One day after class, I did my usual speeding down the hill on my blades to my apartment
when I hit a big rock and went flying across the sidewalk. I sprung up to see how bad the damage
was. Everything looked in place just a few scratches here and there. As I was picking up my
backpack, a man in a suit approached me. I thought it was a teacher giving me another lecture
about helmets. Turns out it was a talent agent and he liked the way I broke my fall. He gave me
his card and told me he would have plenty of work for me.
After a year or so of doing flips, fight scenes, and even the occasional rollerblade stunt I
was hooked. I dropped out of college so I could work full-time. It didnt even feel like work
because I loved it so much (Berger, 2010, Ch. 13, Pg. 480). Sometimes Id get hurt a little, but I
got paid to meet awesome directors and celebrities so it was worth it. After working 6 years my
body wasnt handling the bumps and bruises as well as it once did (Berger, 2010, Ch. 12, Pg.
420). Luckily through the friends I made in the business I was able to get small acting roles in
TV shows and movies.


My movie career gave me the best life anyone could ask for. I have a loving family, a
nice house and a great community. At age 67 I still did a few movies here and there, but I mainly
just spent time with the family. My husband and I focused on being very healthy. We ate healthy
and ran every morning (Berger, 2010, Ch. 14, Pg. 499). Looking back at my life, I remember
more of the positive experiences than the negative (Berger, 2010, Ch. 15, Pg. 532). I remember
my first date with my husband and when my children were born. I would have never guessed
something from my past would ultimately be the end of me.
Every year I try to make it a point to attend the Oscar awards. In 2034 I was going to be
honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award. My husband was out of town so I was going
alone this year. The limousine picked me up at my house. On the freeway I noticed we missed
our exit. I yelled at the driver, but he didnt respond. The last thing I remembered was a big flash.
It turns out Im dead and the driver was my old high school friend Lane. We both died in the
crash so no one ever knew exactly why she killed us. I suspect it was because I wasnt there for
her in her time of need when we were teens. My funeral had thousands of people who attended
from family to famous actors. On my tombstone it said Isabella Alisha York, June 04 1987- May
15 2034 beloved wife and mother. May she rest in peace. Thats all I wanted to be was a great
wife and mother.



Berger, K. S. (2010). Invitation to the life span. (4th ed.). New York, NY: Worth Publishers.

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