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Part 1 Questions:

1. Caffeine can be found in many of the meals and beverages consumed today
and the options lay in front of us every day. Places such as Dunkin Donuts
and Starbucks yield some of the most common foods and beverages infused
with caffeine. Examples of these highly caffiened items are the Dunkin
Donuts coffee with turbo shot that has 436mg of caffeine. Equally a
Starbucks coffee can range in the amount of caffeine depending on size: tall,
Grande, and venti, with their respective amount of caffeine equaling 260
mg,330 mg, and 415 mg. Furthermore, caffeine is present in sodas
consumed daily by most people. These sodas such as Coca Cola, Pepsi, Dr.
Pepper, hold 35, 38, and 41 mg of caffeine respectively.
Source: "Caffeine Content of Food & Drugs." Caffeine Content. Center for
Science in the Public Interest, Nov. 2014. Web. 01 Apr. 2015.
2. The recommended limit to the amount of caffeine consumed daily is 400mg
(Nutrition and Healthy Eating). This number however only applies to full
healthy adults and varies due to different factors such as pregnancy, body
weight, age, and overall fitness. Even within the factors listed there exist
exceptions to daily limits. A pregnant woman for example has a daily
recommended amount of around 200 mg with this value varying between
150 mg to 300 mg depending upon the expert (Caffeine Intake During
Source: "Nutrition and Healthy Eating." Caffeine: How Much Is Too
Much? Mayo Clinic, 14 Apr. 2014. Web. 01 Apr. 2015.
"Caffeine Intake During Pregnancy." American Pregnancy Association.
American Pregnancy Association, Apr. 2014. Web. 01 Apr. 2015.
Part V Question:
1. Some of the common symptoms of caffeine withdrawal are headaches,
fatigue, difficulty concentrating, muscle pain, and insomnia; however, the list
is extensive. With these symptoms come various durations of when they
occur and the extent of the intensity. The onset of these symptoms can occur
18 hours after lack of caffeine and peaks about 3-6 hours after onset,
however these results are not true for everyone and some have been known
to occur later (Caffeine Withdrawal).

Source: "Caffeine Withdrawal." Caffeine Withdrawal Addiction. National

Headache Foundation, n.d. Web. 01 Apr. 2015.

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