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Adam coureef tev Stogner 1 Tyler Stogner Professor Raymond UWRT 1103 9-2-2015 My Literacy Story The earliest memory that I have of reading was when I was pre-school and there was a little library, which had about forty books, in one of the rooms. To get to the books there was a ladder you had to go up and to get back down you would have to use the slide. I don’t remember if I could actually read when I was in pre-school but I do remember the book If You Give a mus een Moose a C85%#e as one of the books that was at the pre-school. I remember sitting at the gop of the library and seeing all of the books that they had. I did not learn to read the way that Malcolm X did/because in the first grade I had to go to a reading class that was designed to help students that were not as advanced in reading to help them come up the standard reading level for their grade. In the second grade we were forced to read books from the library and take AR test6on the book that we readand since the teacher forced me to read a lot of books that I didn’t like Jt made me dislike reading and having to take reading testybecause I would normally not do good pecause on them, Reading was difficult and I did not like itythe language arts section of the school day than was normally the worst part of my day. I can tell that I am a completely different-theaLily because I hate to write and she loved to write stuSEin her journal. As Lily said “For days L carried the notebook everywhere. I wrote constantly.” The hardest part about readingggamag> cites Stogner 2 when I was in elementary school was that I would confuse and switch the letters “B” and “D”. This not only affected my reading but also my writing and the teachers told my parents “dsat-he might be dyslexic and thet you should take him to the doctors to get tested.” Around the fourth conttag (My speltng grade I stopped mixinguup-sy letters and betngabteto-spel became a lot easier and a more natural thing to do. My parents were very helpful to me when I was learning to read and write. I remember that almost every night my mom would read a book called Wide Mouth Frog to me and my sister before we went to bed. In the sixth grade the school held a spelling bee that each grade would have winner in, ‘The student that won from each grade would go to the county spelling bee and the student who won that would then go to the state spelling bee. The schoo! that had the winning student from the state spelling bee would get some kind of money award. ¥en! my class had to have the class spelling contest to see who the best speller wag somehow made it to into the top three in my class even though was not a good speller I was able to a decent job in the contest. I am not sure how I made it so far but it seemed like as the rounds went by my words were easier to spell than the other students because all the words that were given, gr. new and all the words that were given to the other students I would have gotten wrong if #was given to me. When it got close to the end I intentionally misspelled the word that I was given so that I would not win and have to spell in front of the entire school. This influenced my literacy learning because I know Iam not the besf when it comes to not reading and writing and after this school spelling bee I found out that really den?elike the whole language arts subject. Since middle schoo! the English classes that I have had have been my least Which uger? Stogner 3 favorite classes and I very rarely look forward to going to an English class. The times that I did ‘want to go to the class were mostly movie days for that class. ‘Technology has affected my literacy leaming some but not as much as some of the other things that have helped me lear, The intemet has been around for most of my literacy learning but not during the first couple of years. By that I mean for all ofthe school work that I had to do the intemet was not required to complete the assignment but today in the elementary school using the intemet is a regular occurrence and a regular part of the way the students lea. The Clayton Christensen Institute agrees by saying that “the number of K-12 students who took an online course increased from roughly 45,000 in 2000, to more than 3 million in 2008" The institute also projects that half of all high-school classes will be delivered online by 2019. way that cell phones affected my writing is that I when I would type on the computer I would naturally type the words in the texting format and my mom would get mad at me for constantly mess up when typing. The biggest electronic device that helped my reading ability was a kindle. My mom bought the kindle for herself but she allowed me and my sister to use it whenever we wanted to. Before getting the kindle I would only read when I had to because reading was not fun and I did not find it enjoyable. Being able to use the kindle made reading more enjoyable to me, as said by a New Jersey newspaper “many e-readers include a dictionary feature for looking up unfamiliar words, and children can also "write" on the pages of books via the device's keyboard, which can be particularly helpful for middle and high school students reading books.” It was the first time, other than the mandatory reading assignments that I would have to do for school that I would Stogner 4 read in my free time. The series of books that I read on the kindle was Perey Jackson and the Olympians. Since | finished the series I have not used the kindle and have gone back to reading only when Thaveto. wente pn Lense GAN, Keep Mt all part tense

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