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Stefanie Campanella


Learning about history is a vital part of

understanding the world around us

Some of my goals for this year include improving students

critical thinking skills, building their persuasive essay writing
abilities, use technology to engage students through hands-on
learning, and connecting history to current events.

I would like students to gain a better understanding of

Ms. Campanella

You can have anything you want if

you want it badly enough. You can
be anything you want to be, do
anything you set out to accomplish
if you hold to that desire with
singleness of purpose.
- Abraham Lincoln

American History and its overall effect on their lives.

Students will contribute to their own learning through inquiry

based activities.

Extra help is always an option! Every student can succeed- no


I am here to facilitate student learning and help students make

their own discoveries.

As an educator I will help your student learn how to think rather

then what to think.

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