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Jacob Vicnaire

Comp 1
Alone in the Sunshine Coast
Josh absorbed the scenery as he passed over plains and towering mountains, flying
three-hundred miles an hour, miles above the grass.
I wish I could look at this forever
He was trying, and failing, to make small talk with one of his neighbors on the plane he had
taken from LAX. Josh was never one for the city. He hated the everyday clamour and chaos of
the city, so he had decided to move to the Beautiful sunshine coast of British Columbia.
Hello sir! Would you like anything to drink?
He looked awkwardly at the flight attendant, shook his head, and continued to drift away as
breathtaking visions of orange-violet explosions conflicting in the sky with green and white
terrain laying jaggedly under.
There was a sudden pop as he woke up to his ears being decompressed violently. He
arched his back in pain as he held his ears. Looking around, he could see smoke, fire, and a
gaping hole in the planes body.
What the hell is going on? Josh screamed
No response. None that he could hear anyway, because the sudden decompression rendered
Josh temporarily deaf. Josh knew very well that he was going to die. He tucked all of his limbs in
and braced himself up against the seat in front of him. He grabbed the floatie under his seat,
pulled the crimson string, and wrapped the now inflated floatie around his neck. What he saw
next was the thing that scared him the most; Nothing.
He felt an intense heat on his right arm as he groggily came to and got to his feet. He
looked around, not really understanding what had just happened. The ringing in his ears had

almost completely subsided. He tried to take the floatie off of his neck with the same arm that he
had felt the burning on,but he missed. Looking down at his arm, his insides screamed to him
that this must be a dream. This couldn't happen. What he saw as he looked down was a black
and blue upper arm with a crimson red stump where his forearm should be.
But I can still feel it He said as he tried to move his fingers.
He could feel the fingers moving, however his arm and hand was gone. He started screaming.
Help! Please someone help!
No answer
Please, for the love of god, its gone, please!
He continued, for hours, to cry out to the vast wilderness that consumed him. When he was out
of breath, crying and tired, he decided it was futile to call for help. He next fashioned a
tourniquet with what was left of his shirt, and began looking for other survivors.
He started his search by the tail of the plane. He found some supplies in the baggage
that was strewn across the clearing that his plane had crashed in. He found headache medicine,
some peanuts, and a hunting knife. As he made his way toward the cockpit, he found nothing
but mutilated corpses and flaming plane parts. He was alone in the Sunshine Coast.
After two days of nodding in and out of consciousness, he finally regained his
composure. He had many questions, but no one to ask. He wondered why it was only him that
survived, and why the plane had crashed, however he would find no answers to these
questions. He decided that the first thing he should do is use his new hunting knife to go kill,
cook, and eat something. He had been at least 2 days without food, and was growing weak from
the blood loss intense hunger. He would spend the next 3 hours exploring his area and
scavenging all the food he could find. Surprisingly, he found no animals. However, he did find an
abundance of blackberries.
This should keep me going he said to himself as he stuffed handfuls of blackberries
into a backpack that he had taken from the wreckage. Then he saw it. At first, he thought he had

just been hallucinating. Whatever the animal that he saw was, it was gargantuan. Around fifty
feet away stood a towering black bear. He started to panic. Shoo! Get out of here! he
screeched at the bear. It sniffed the air, groaned, then slowly started lumbering towards Josh.
Then it hit him. He wants the berries! he thought to himself as he threw down the berries and
backed up from his backpack. The bear sniffed the backpack, then walked away as it left a
terrified Josh quivering on the ground, praying to every god he knew that he would survive. After
ten minutes, Josh decided it was safe to collect his berries and make his way back to the plane.
As soon as he got back to the plane, he heard a familiar crackling sound. He couldn't
quite place what it was, but it sent him back to the times when he would sit and listen to his
radio for hours on end. Crackling Radio That's it! he screamed out loud. He had been
hearing the static of a radio! He rushed to where he heard the sound coming from. He made his
way to the cockpit of the plane. He knew it was in the cockpit, but the door was bolted closed.
God damn it! He fell to his knees in disappointment and despair. How would he get to the
radio? How much time did he have left until it ran out of power? He decided that he was not
going to find the answer to the second question. He took his hunting knife out of his pocket with
his left hand, then started to plunge the knife deep into the planes wall. He tore through wood,
insulation, then wood again as he heard the wood splintering around his hand. When his hand
reached the other side, he curved his arm to the right and found the door lock. He unlatched the
door, and it swung open. He was not prepared for the sight that lie in the cockpit.
He smelled a sickly sweet iron smell as he stood at the entrance of the cockpit. He saw
two mutilated and half burned bodies (Which were the pilot and the co-pilot), and he saw
crimson red stains blotting out the white wall. Josh retched as he saw this horrific sight. After
recollecting his thoughts, he decided he would have to find the radio, even if it meant interacting
with this disgusting room. He had no choice. He walked to the front of the cockpit and found the
radio. He wiped the crimson liquid off of the mouthpiece on his shirt, and sent out a call for help.

Please help me! I am the only survivor of a plane crash that happened a few days ago! I lost
my arm, please, someone help me! He put down the mouthpiece and waited.
More crackling. What is your location? Over. said an unfamiliar voice.
He was overcome with euphoria. He was going to live! I dont know! Theres mountains to the
west of me, around 30 miles away!
Hang tight. We have a search and rescue team out looking for you as we speak. Light a fire,
and make it smoky. Over.
He exploded from the cockpit as he pulled out his knife again to go cut wood. He cut off
26 green-leaved branches, and found a lighter. He then set the branches on fire with some jet
fuel left over from the crash. As soon as he ignited the flame, pillars of smoke rose from the fire.
He waited for several hours for help to come.
How long were you out there? said a man with an orange coat on as Josh flew in the
rescue helicopter, hundreds of feet over the colossal wilderness.
I don't know exactly. About a week I believe He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He was now
afraid of flying. The rest of the ride was silent. Josh had overcome something that he never
thought anyone could. He hated being out there with no food or protection. However, something
deep inside of him screamed to go back. He decided that he would some day.

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