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Rhandi Schubring
Professor Presnell
UWRT 1104
21 September 2015

Learning to Ride
Ever since I could remember, I was in love with horses. I remember playing with My
Little Ponies, I begged my dad to buy me them and I had every single one possible. My aunt had
horses and I would always ask to go see them and ride them. Anytime I saw a horse on the road,
my dad would pull over so I could get out and see them. Horses were the most fascinating
creatures to me. It truly shocked me how God could create such a beautiful animal. Horses
shaped my life and I owe it all to them.
I moved to North Carolina when I was eight years old. We were living in an apartment
until we could find a house. My mom and dad were friends with a couple named Doug and
Rebecca who lived on a farm with horses and other animals. They had an adopted daughter
named Sophie, whom I was friends with since I was a baby and I have grown up with her. As
soon as we moved back to North Carolina, we stopped by Doug and Rebeccas house. They
knew I was in love with horses and they offered me to ride one of their horses. My mom was
reluctant to let me but she finally gave in. I got on one of their horses and something scared him.
He bucked and me being the inexperienced rider that I was, came tumbling off. I ended up
breaking my wrist. What a great first memory of riding. This was the first time I actually rode a
horse and the first time I broke a bone. This frightened my mom more than anything, I wanted to
get right back on and keep riding.

Eventually we found a house and started settling down. Rebecca knew a girl that gave
riding lessons and suggested that we try. My dad set up my first riding lesson, against my moms
will, and I went to my lesson. This barn didnt have an official name so we just always referred
to it as the Red Barn. My trainers name was Kelly Wentz. She was attending NC State studying
to become a veterinarian. When I met her, she was in her Junior year of college. The very first
time I ride with her, I rode her own personal horse, Hollywood. He was a very fat, lazy, and
bullet proof horse. I assumed that she had all of her first time riders ride this horse. My first
lesson I learned the basic of riding. How to steer, stop, mount, dismount, tack, clean, etc. Its
actually a lot to remember but in a short time I became a pro. I rode with Kelly for several years.
I eventually fell in love with one horse in particular named Romeo. He was this beautiful
Palomino Tennessee Walking Horse. He was a golden color, like the sun, and his mane and tail
were white as snow. This was one of the sweetest horses Ive ever met. I learned to ride different
disciplines with Kelly. Her barn even hosted local fun shows, so I started my showing career
with her. She taught me everything I needed to know and I even learned how to jump with her. I
looked up to Kelly in every aspect. I thought she was so beautiful and I was so envious of her
life. She had a barn full of beautiful horses with trails and a huge riding arena. She could ride
whenever she wanted, she was essentially living my dream life. Ever since I met her, I wanted to
go to NC State to become a veterinarian, just like her. I rode with her for about 5 years. I started
riding with a different trainer because Kelly could only come home every other weekend from
college and I wasnt able to ride that much. Those five years came with many falls and
friendships. I loved every second of riding with her.
I started riding with Kim Thompson in the fall of 2012. Her barn was called Thompson
Stables, LLC. This barn was a lot closer to my house and was more advanced. They had three

trainers, including Kim. Townes Wessels was the English trainer, Kim was the Saddleseat and
driving trainer, and Morgan Wells was the assistant English trainer. I decided to try a new style of
riding, Saddleseat. English riding is one of the more popular discplines of riding. It mainly what
you see in horse shows. Saddleseat is a fast pace type of riding designed to show an effortless
and flashy appearance of a horse. When I was with Kelly, I learned to ride English. The very first
lesson I had, I came in well prepared. I already had all my riding gear and I think she was
shocked at how well prepared I came. I rode a horse named Frosty, he was this very old white
Arabian that any skill level could ride. She didnt need to coach me that much in my first lesson
since I pretty much knew how to do everything already. I made some really great friends there,
some that are even in college with me today! This barn offered leasing and I started leasing this
horse named Pilgrim. I ended up falling in love with him and I took very good care of him since
this was my first horse-owning experience. Pilgrim was a very large, Quarter horse cross. He was
the biggest horse Ive ever rode and also one of the most laid-back and laziest horse. I originally
started out riding him English but then realized he was more of a Western horse. I slowly
converted him into a western-pleasure horse and turned over a new leaf in my riding career. I
never rode western until Pilgrim came along and I really enjoyed it. To this day, I still show
western pleasure and it is by far my favorite.
I became really close with Kim and even started working for her. One day, Kim got a call
from one of her friends and asked her if she knew anyone that could ride one of their horses
through an auction. I was her favorite and was the first person she suggested. I got a call from
this person asking if I could ride their horse through the Troutman Horse Sale. They offered me
money so of course I said yes. Getting paid to ride? I cant think of a better job. I got there and
they introduced me to the horse they wanted to me to ride. He was in the very back of the barn in

the corner of the stall. He was a skinny and looked like he didnt get much attention. He was a
brown and white paint named Hollywood. I dont think I fell in love with a horse faster than I did
with Hollywood. I rode him through the auction and no one bided on him, so Kim said she would
take him. We brought him home with us and I stayed with him all night and woke up early the
next morning and went straight to see him. I rode him all the time and took care of him. I loved
him so much because he could jump better than any horse I ever rode. Drama became a big
problem at the barn. It became so overwhelming that it made it unbearable to stay at the barn. At
the same time, my parents bought a house with a barn so I could keep horses out there. I ended
up purchasing Hollywood and moving him to my house. This was my very first horse and I loved
him so much. Eventually, he started becoming crazy because he was alone so I had to buy
another horse to keep him company. Hollywood caused me many injuries but that didnt make
me love him any less. From one horse, I broke my wrist, got a concussion, and now have
permanent nerve damage in my back. This horse truly had the greatest impact on me. Everyone
asked my how could I still love something that hurts you? Isnt that what love is, though?
Sacrifice and pain for the happiness of others. Id give up anything just to make sure Hollywood
was okay. Eventually it was time to add another animal to the farm so we bought this horse
named Blue. He was a short, fat, and happy Palomino Quarter Horse. He had the sweetest face
that you couldnt help but to love. He and Hollywood became the best of friends and they are
practically inseparable. When I look out my window, I see two very happy horses in my
backyard and to me, that is the best view in the world.
I have had a passion for horses my entire life, and it has only become stronger as years
have flown by. I am not fearful of them, for they are some of Gods most beautiful creations. I
have been riding horses since the age of 7. I have been through hard times, and many broken

bones, because of these radiant creatures. None of the physical pain they have caused me has
slowed or stopped my growing passion. Horses fascinate me, their behaviors and emotions are
much similar to ours in ways we do not realize. I cant think of a better sport Id rather be apart
of. Im proud to say that my biggest influence in my life wasnt a person, it was a horse.

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