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Case study: Using SmartMusic As A Reinforcement To "The Habits Of Musicianship"

by Dawn Schell
My project targets 6th grade trombone student(s) who struggle with visual tracking during word
and note reading. It is also aimed to reinforce pitch perception during home practice by
providing reference pitches and immediate feedback regarding the accuracy of the pitches and
rhythms played. I digitized each exercise in The Habits of Musicianship: A Radical Approach
to Beginning Band by Byo & Duke so it could be opened in SmartMusic. After the original
was created, educational adjustments were made to support student learning because my
experience and knowledge of my trombone player(s) leads me to believe additional support files
will be needed. Therefore, some additional files were created in the following format:
1. Rhythm clapping with SmartMusic.
2. One pitch alone (typically the tonic) in rhythm with SmartMusic.
3. Slide positions alone (not to be done in SmartMusic).
I do not have clearance from the university to gather data on human subjects, therefore I have
gathered none. However, there is a clear potential for expanding this project into gathering data
on human subjects as an independent investigator after graduation.

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