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To whom it may concern:

I am writing this letter in reference to Lydia Mutoni who was a science and
math student of mine during the 2014/15 school year. Lydia is very
intelligent and would grasp concepts quite easily. Lydia would use her extra
time in class to help other students and was very enthusiastic in her efforts
to help her peers. There were several cases in class where Lydia would help
her classmates before completing her own work. I was always OK with this as
I believed Lydia was gaining a better understanding of the material by
teaching it to others. It got to the point where Lydia had several students
asking for her assistance in Math class and Lydia was always willing to help.

If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Jeremy Batchelor
Chemistry/Science teacher
Notre Dame High School

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