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A: Hey, bere. Hows things?

B: Cool, great. You? What are you up to?

A: Me? Nothing much. Im just sitting here with a coffe and the laptop.
B: Ah. Are you doind that Project Doc. Taylor gave us?
An analysis of motivation in
A: No. Im Reading the newspaper on it. Politics the Word economy...
B: oh right. The fotball results.
A: Exactly. international relations. But on a football pitch!
Anyway. What con i do for you?
B: Well, i,ve got a new bike! My uncle bought it for me its my birthday
A: wow! Did you tell him hes more than six months late?
B: No. Im not complaining a presents a present, and its a nice bike. He got
a helmet too, and ive got some cool cycling gloves as well. The man in the
shop gave me them free. So why dontn you come round with yours and we
can take them for a ride.
A: the gloves?
B: ha ha. The bikes . Take the bikes for a ride. See if Daisy wants to bring hers
A: Daisys out with that new frend of hers. Amy. Hang on. Mums calling
Shes in turkey. Let me talk to her and Ill call you back.
B: ok. Say Hi to her from me.
A: Will do. Hi. Mum.
C: Honey! HI!
A: hows istanbul?
C: Im loving it.
A: but you love everywhere you go.
C: True! But seriously, its grat fun youd love it. All the different meze at
lunch, Oh the colours, and they bring you lots and you chosse which ones you
Look, heres a photo
A: Oh. Wow!

C: And Ive been to the Blue Mosque, the Hagia sofia of course. With my
name! Ummm the topkapi Palace thats what you can see behind me.
Oh. And Im going on a night cruise on the bosphorus tonight. Its really an
amazing city. Modern but traditional, full of culture an color and
A: So take me there. Or take us. Daisys like it too. Wouldnt she?
C: She would, yes. Im sure.
A: And have you been to a turkish bath yet?
C: Yes, a hammam. I went to one yesterday. I loved it! Now, the taxis here
they drive a bit differently from ours back in Britain.
Theyre a bit scary!

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