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FA L L S E M E S TE R 2 0 15
L I F E , S OC I E TY, & D R UG S

How Ecstasy works on the brain

MDMA causes your

serotonin neurons to
release large
amounts of serotonin,
which are stored in
the axon terminals.
This massive
serotonin release is
responsible for the
primary subjective
effects of MDMA.

How MDMA is taken

MDMA or ecstasy is

most commonly
taken orally, usually
in a tablet or a
capsule, and its
effects last
approximately 3 to
6 hours. The
average reported
dose is one to two
tablets, with each
tablet typically

Other ways that

arent as common to
take MDMA are
snorting, inserting
into our rectum,
and/or putting it
under your tongue
and let it dissolve or
chewing it up.

Long term effects of ecstasy on the

Long-lasting brain

damage affecting
thought and memory
Degenerated nerve
branches and nerve
Depression, anxiety,
& memory loss
Kidney failure

Short term effects of ecstasy on the

Impaired judgment
False sense of

Sleep problems
Muscle tension
Blurred vision
Involuntary teeth

Where ecstasy came from

MDMA was developed in

Germany in the early 1900's

as a parent compound to be
used to synthesize other
pharmaceuticals. During the
1970's in the United States,
some psychiatrists began
using MDMA as a
psychotherapeutic tool. It was
in the late 2000's that FDA
approved the first small
clinical trial for MDMA that will
determine if the drug can be
used safely with 2 sessions of
ongoing psychiatrists in the
late 1970's.

Ecstasy experience with yellow

We sat on the San Francisco

beach at our campsite near the

Golden Gate bridge, it was dark,
we had music going and were
staring at the city lights. An
hour into we could all feel it we
thought the city lights were
huge boats passing by. We
walked down to the beach and
the sand felt so good on our
feet. Some people went
swimming in their clothes and
the water was freezing. Our
eyes were shaking and rolling in
the back of our heads. For the
first time ever I hallucinated off
of ecstasy.

Walking was very

difficult for me. I sat
at our campsite
around the fire for
about an hour on a
hay stack and pulled
it out and threw it I
the fire because it
looked and felt so
cool. It was the best
ecstasy trip Ive ever

People who take ecstasy

MDMA first gained

popularity among
adolescents and
young adults in the
nightclub scene or
weekend-long dance
parties known as

MDMA has also

become a popular
drug among urban
gay males. Reports
have shown that
some gay and
bisexual men take
MDMA and other
club drugs in club
venues. This is
concerning given
that the use of club

Some of the main reasons people take

MDMA has become a

popular drug, in part

because of the positive
effects that a person may
experience within an hour
or so after taking a single
dose. Those effects
include feelings of mental
stimulation, emotional
warmth, empathy towards
others, a general sense of
well being, and decreased

Health problems caused by ecstasy

MDMA can produce a

variety of adverse health

effects, including nausea,
chills, sweating, involuntary
teeth clenching, muscle
cramping, and blurred
vision (eye shakes). MDMA
overdose can also occur -the symptoms can include
high blood pressure,
faintness, panic attacks,
and in several cases, a loss
of consciousness and

Education on MDMA
Education is one of

the most important

tools for use in
preventing MDMA
abuse. Providing
accurate scientific
information regarding
the effects of MDMA is
important if we hope
to reduce the
damaging effects of
this drug.

Because social context and

networks seem to be an
important component of
MDMA use, the use of peerled advocacy and drug
prevention programs may
be a promising approach to
reduce MDMA use among
adolescents and young
adults. High schools and
colleges can serve as
important venues for
delivering messages about
the effects of the use of it.

Works Cited
Drug Abuse. N.p., n.d. Web.
Drug Profiles - MDMA. N.p., n.d. Web.
Legal Tips (Ravers Who Choose to Use

Ecstasy). N.p., 11 June 2013. Web.

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