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Use of would

Would is the past of will and in some cases it is used as a modal auxiliar
For example:

I would like some more water

I wish you wouldnt eat my food
Would you like to visit me next weekend?
It is also used to talk about the future in the past, this is an action in the
past that has not happen in the time that were talking.

When I saw her for the first time, I didnt know that I would marry her.
I had no idea that they would remember my birthday.
Would se usa para pedir y ofrecer cosas

Would you please say that again?

Would you like to stay for dinner?
Would you mind waiting here for just a second?
You can also use would to refer to the habits in the past and your will to
change them.

She would play football all saturdays but she has to work.
My brother would eat all my candies, and would not stop untill he is full.
But you cant use it when the action happened only one time in the past,
in this case you should use the the verb in past.
On the other hand, you should use the negative form to indicate and
action that didnt happen once.

I invited her to the movies, but she wouldnt come with me.
I couldnt call you last night, because my phone wouldnt work.
To criticize someones behaviour you can use would with emphasis

You were a good boy, but you would leave your clothes all over the bedroom.
You would always go out without asking me for permission.

Would and should as an auxiliar verb, is used with verbs that refer non
real situations. This is the conditional use, that you should make with if:

If I were younger I would be always playing with my dolls.

If I had money, I would spend it all in a new house.
If I was president, this would never happen to the people.
If I had know you were busy, I wouldnt have called you.

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