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Lindsay Donahoo

Leadership Reflection
Teacher Leader Standards Connections: The teacher leader is well versed in adult
learning theory and uses that knowledge to create a community of collective
responsibility within his or her school. In promoting this collaborative culture
among fellow teachers, administrators, and other school leaders, the teacher leaser
ensures improvement in educator instruction and, consequently, student learning.
This semester I chose to be on the Reading and Math Team and I
think that it was the perfect fit for me! We put on a fun Readers
Theater for Read for the Record, which was a really fun experience!
We met about three times to set everything up and practice for the
Readers Theater that we put together. I think that everyone in our
community used qualities that were listed in the connected standard
from using responsibilities, promoting collaborative culture and also
improving/enhancing students learning. We had to work together and
collaborate as a team to put everything together so that it would go
smoothly. Also we all gave our different ideas and put them all
together so that we could use all of our diverse, and creative ideas. I
enjoyed the experience and I really think that it helped me learn about
responsibility and how to balance regular school work and being on this

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