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First Grade Class Pet


Ms. Gerken
Class 1-2

Have you ever thought about getting a class pet?
What animal would you choose? A fish? A hermit
crab? A hamster? Having a class pet takes a lot of
work! Ms. Gerken needs your help in choosing the pet!
It is your job to learn all that you can about these
three animals. You will need to learn about their
habitat, food, and how to take care of it. Your job is
to choose the best pet for our class and convince your
friends that your pet is best!

Congratulations! You have been chosen to help our class
choose a pet. Your group will research three animals and
choose the one that would be best for our class.
Each group member will have a special job.

Fact Finder: You will find interesting facts about the animals.
(What they do, what they look like, how they play, how long they
Habitat Hunter: You will find out what type of home/supplies are
needed for the animal.
Critter Caregiver: You will find out how we will need to take care
of each animal
Lifecycle Learner: You will learn about the lifecycle of the animals.
After researching, your group will decide which pet is best. You will
create a poster to convince the class that your pet is the best choice.
Good luck!


Decide who will do each job in your group (fact finder,

habitat hunter, critter caregiver).
Use the websites to research each of the animals (fish,
hermit crab, hamster). Record your facts in your science notebooks.
Meet with your group and talk about what you learned
about each of the animals. After each member shares,
decide which pet is best overall.
Work with your group to design a poster about your chosen
animal. Include information about their habitat,
how we would need to care for the animal, and
fun and interesting facts.
Show and talk about your poster to the class. Each group


PebbleGo Books
(Username: Elmhurst, Password: school)
Hermit Crabs
Click on the words to open up the PebbleGo book.
Read the chapters or click the sound button to have
it read to you. Make sure to click on the colored
vocabulary words to learn more!


Please view the attached rubric see how

you will be graded.

It is time to take our FINAL vote for our class
(Add tally marks on SmartBoard)
Which pet is the winner? __________

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