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Running head: TEACHING PERSPECTIVES INVENTORY JOURNAL Teaching Perspectives Inventory Journal Federico R Lastra Florida International University TEACHING PERSPECTIVES INVENTORY JOURNAL, 2 ‘Teaching Perspectives Inventory (TPT) Journal Perspective Discussion Based upon my current career objectives, which are to remain at the Center for Academic ‘Success (CfAS) at Florida International University (FIU), my perspectives of Apprenticeship (A) and Development (D), should remain relatively consistently stable; however, an inerease in levels of transmission (T) are predicted, because my expected employment as an Assistant Reading Coordinator for the Reading and Learning Team at the CfAS. Being a Reading Coach will require its own specialization and certification alongside comprehensive fundamentals to be taught (transmitted) and built upon, Currently, Under A and D, I will need to employ methods that successfully assess reading learning and instruction; modeling what I have taught them while verbally explaining their thinking as to its importance would fall under both A and D. When tutoring, lesson plans, are designed to fit the individual learner’s needs at the CFAS; however, a typical reading strategy includes some kind of initial assessment to determine reading level, usually conducted on ReadingPlus, then the lesson plan will vary according to test scores that measure grade level, speed, and comprehension. For example, for a student reading at lower reading rates, regular (three to four times a week) 45 minute independent learning sessions of signing on and completing assignments would be required alongside weekly tutoring sessions targeting specific reading challenges such as decoding, comprehension, or understanding, practiced an modeled (apprenticeship - A) and conversions of metacognitive thinking (development - D) are performed. Improvements are measured and monitored both online with ReadingPlus and by the tutor and tutee, most likely a Qualtries survey will follow. Typically it takes about an average of three to five visits before and significant improvement can be measured (Collins & Pratt, 2011; Pratt, 2002; TPI, 2014). Tutoring involves a tutor and tutee relationship which involves two roles as both teacher TEACHING PERSPECTIVES INVENTORY JOURNAL 3 and learner; however, the role as teacher is much stronger than that of leamer, because the tute Jooks at the tutor as the expert. Apprenticeship requires active leaming roles and modeling where the tutor not just explains but demonstrates the understanding of learning, and the tutee must model the behavior which is part of apprenticeship; but, development takes ita step further by having the tutee explain to the tutor his thinking and the tutee explain why the metacognitive process is correct or requires redirection. However, it is important to mention that tutor also learn and grow from each student learning new ways to approach and teach tutees. Ultimately, although the tutor is responsible for the transmittal of knowledge the tutee or learner is ultimately responsible for Jearning in any circumstance (Collins & Pratt, 2011; Pratt, 2002; TPI, 2014). troduction of the Although, upon further reflection, with the recent building ani Academic Success Program (ASP) for Chemistry majors at the CfAS my role lately seems to be more that of learner, because I have been inundated with research on reading that | had not been previously exposed to by Vicenta Shepard (Reading Coordinator) and Chemistry (Tutors); which, after my Survey of Chemistry class in the Summer of 2009 (when I was a Nursing Major), Thad hoped I would not ever have to see again. Having to learn chemistry concepts to teach study skills and reading for it has made me more of a learner than teacher in many aspects. Additionally, having to be nurturing when instrueting the tutors on Biscayne Bay Campus has incorporated more nurturing efforts, because it is causing anxiety that needs to be addressed and soothed before facilitating learning, In the grand scheme of things, when reflecting on the tutes we are helping, there is also a strong influence of social reform, because we are making such great efforts to ‘ensure that these underprivileged students achieve their academic goals and future career aspirations as doctors. Who knows what far reaching affects this may have on the views and influence within the communities they will work in or advances within the profession itself Pratt, 2002; TPI, 2014). TEACHING PERSPECTIVES INVENTORY JOURNAL, References Collins, J. B. & Pratt, D. D. (2011). The Teaching Perspectives Inventory at 10 years and 10,000 respondents: Reliability and validity of a teacher self-report inventory. Adult Education Quarterly, 61, 358-375. doi:10.1177/0741713610392763 Pratt, D. D. (2002). Five perspectives on teaching in adult and higher education. Malabar, FL: Krieger Publishing Company. TPL Teaching Perspectives Inventory. (2014). Retrieved from http://www teachingperspectives.comtpi/

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