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William Walker Jr

Prof. Raymond
UWRT 1103
27 October 2015
Digging Deeper
The main project/writing that we worked on for this class that caused me to want to dig
much deeper was the family tree project. I knew my family tree on my fathers side to my
grandparents. With my dads help I was able to search back to my great-great grandparents. After
that, I used other family members trees, census records, and millennium to trace back to about
1200AD. After that I was stuck, but I refused to give up. I back tracked about 8 generations and
was able to find an ancestor that would end up taking me back to circa 800BC.The fact that I
could trace my family tree back to around 112 generations amazed me so much that I went into
deeper research of who these people were.
My family traced back into a royal bloodline that went back around 1900 years. The line
included names such as Sveidi the Sea King, who was a Viking and King of Norway during the
mid-late 8th century. This excited me so much until I learned about some of my more famous
ancestors. My ancestors included Alexander the Great, Queen Cleopatra, all eight Pharaoh
Ptolemys, and Rollo, Duke of Normandy, who is played by Clive Standon in History Channels
My family tree started in Ancient Greece circa 800BC. From there they migrated to
Macedonia, to Egypt, to Syria, to Turkey. My family then moved from Turkey to France to

Sweden, Iceland, and Norway. After Norway, they moved back to France, to Scotland and Wales,
to England. After England, we finally moved to America around 1630.

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