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ISTE Standards and Curriculum Standard Scenario

Common Core
Standard or
NC Essential

12th Grade English

Standard 2: Communication and Collaboration
Performance Indicator: a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers,
experts, or others employing a variety of digital
Environments and media.
12.RL.7 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
- Analyze multiple interpretations of a story, drama, or poem (e.g., recorded
or live production of a play or recorded novel or poetry), evaluating how each
version interprets the source text. (Include at least one play by Shakespeare
and one play by an American dramatist.)

Lesson Scenario
As a class we will read the story, Macbeth. The instructor will teach the class how to analyze
the text of William Shakespeare. Students will learn to understand different interpretations of a
given text. Students will collaborate ideas and interact with the instructor to implement a class
Students will analyze the text and give their interpretation. Students will read, analyze, and
appreciate a number of texts. Understand how the literature reflects the major debates and issues
facing the 11th century. Students will study the aesthetic and political preoccupations of the
Romantic era. Students will learn to hone their critical and close reading skills, sharpen their
analytical, essay-writing skills, develop confidence as a speaker and facilitator of discussions,
nurture their intellectual curiosity, engage openly and actively with a community of learners in a
shared spirit of inquiry and practice their literary research skills by finding, evaluating, and using
peer-reviewed scholarly articles in support of their own arguments.
Students will research scholarly articles and create a Prezi. The Prezi will include the students
interpretation of the story, Macbeth. Students will have 5 minutes to present their Prezi to the
class. The Prezi should include; Students ideas, research, topic, thesis, supporting details and
sources cited.

Salena Rabidoux

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