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Florexils ELAR menu of Assignments

Select one from EACH course.
Week Focus: Authors Purpose/Foreign Words and Phrases
1. In your Vocabulary Journal, create a Tri-Foldable (example below)
of different foreign words and phrases and their definitions. You should
have at least 5 different examples from each group (French,
Greek, and Latin etymologies).


2. In your Vocabulary Journal, write sentences using foreign words

and phrases. You should have at least 5 different phrases from
each group: French, Greek, and Latin.


1. In your Menu Journal, create an Authors Purpose Wheel

(example is below). Conduct a scavenger hunt of different type of
text from your Elements of Literature book (The one with the
puma). Underneath each flap of the wheel should be the title of your
text and evidence that supports that authors purpose. Fill in the wheel
and staple it to your Menu Journal.

Authors Purpose Wheel

2. In your Menu Journal, create a 3- Column List of an Authors
Purpose scavenger hunt. The list should have: Title of Text,
Evidence that supports Authors Purpose, and Authors
Purpose. Use your Elements of Literature book (the one with the
puma) to find the different types of Authors Purpose.

3. In your Menu Journal, create a Collage of an Authors Purpose

scavenger hunt. Use magazines, newspaper, etc.. cut outs to create a
collage of all the authors purposes. Glue or staple them in your menu
journal. Label each collage as an authors purpose and the reason why
that is the authors purpose.

1. In your Menu Journal, write an acrostic poem for authors purpose
to include the letters P.I. E. S.
2. In your Menu Journal, create a Two- Double Bubble Maps to define
all four parts of authors purpose. See the example below.


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