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Client proposal

GAP travel are looking for a marketing product in order to promote their
services for people two want to travel around and take a bit of time off
and have an adventure. The advertisement will be produced on a CD-ROM
and it will be called things to do before your 30 and I will be showing all
the best things to do before you turn 30. It will show you a variety and
selection of all the best things you can possibly do before you are 30. This
will include things such as; places to visit, countries to go to, activities to
do and what fun is out there. Once I have selected the 30 ideas 15 of
those 30 will be put onto an interactive product. I will have to create the
logo for GAP travel and the actual product, I will have to use storyboards,
scripts and different creative media techniques. What my product will
have to have is a close icon so that the viewers are able to close it down.
As I am now working for GAP travel I have been told the basics of what me
product needs. They want to have an accessible multimedia CD that can
be given to the public at places like shops and trade fairs. The CD will
have to suit both females and males and not be just for one sex as it will
not have as wide range of people that will go on and see it.
GAP travel has listed things that have to be included in the product these
are things such as;
- Text, decide on font colour and need examples onto a mood board.
- Backgrounds, free choice need examples on mood board.
- Videos, at least 2 videos with controls that are no more than 10 seconds
- Animations, at least two that I have created, gifs don`t count for this use
flash, director or Photoshop.
- Navigation, has to be easy to use, be able to go forward and back also
returns to previous pages.
- Buttons, use Photoshop, director or on the internet, look at colour the
size and the positioning.
- Closed button, also consider a home button.
- Sound, has to be included can come from my video, if music is included
then have switch on and off button.
- 4 storyboards, opening page, a contents page and sub, one sample
page, navigation chart.
- Logo, a suitable one.
- It needs to work.

The target audience for this will be the genders male and female between
the ages of 16 to 30 years old. This gives it a wider range of people that
will find it a lot more useful and it is obviously thing to do before you are
30 which is when you are young and at your prime and a lot of people
when they are under the age of 30 don`t know what to do with

Market research
There is also Market research that I have to think about. I will look at other
websites similar to it and look at what else is out there so I can see what
the rivals have put out there.

Details all the content

In the product that GAP travel has set out for me, they have told me that
every idea that I put into it has to be very persuasive as they don`t just
want me to get people to look at activities but also to get the people to
actually use the GAP travel website to book it. The ideas that I put onto
the product will have to be sound enjoyable and look extremely fun as
they want a lot of people to go and book on their website. I will have to
keep in the age range that is set and I will have to be thinking and writing
stuff that youth will be more associated with and the words that are 21st
century that a 50 year old will not understand but a 25 year old will so
that it sounds like it is something for the younger people as now days
there are a lot of family places and things for 50 year olds which is what
youth are sick off and they want to be free and have an adventure. I will
put on a short description of what the activity entails but have enough
content so that they can understand what it is about put not too much
where it bores them and they don`t bother to read it. Alongside with the
information about the activity I will include other aspects such as images
and videos so that they can truly see what the activity is about and will
hopefully persuade them even more once looking at it.

Details of the layout

When it comes to the layout I will have to think about it carefully so that I
will do first is have to create it on a storyboard so that then I know if it
actually looks good and to see if it will all work together. It will have to

look neat and professional but at the same time interesting and exciting
as it is for younger people and that bit is consistent all the way through on
every page and that it all works. Then I think that I have come up with the
best design that I can create then I will show it to a client and see what he
thinks of it then get feedback and adjust it to GAP travels standards. I
know that with some hard thoughts and clear designs that I will be able to
create an affiant look grate layout that GAP travel will be very pleased

For the layout I will have two main designs that will be used for this CD
programme and they are, the main menu screen and the individual
activities screens. Here below are some examples which I have created.

From looking at both of the designs I know that they look professional and
would definitely work really well and be very easy to navigate.

Once I finished these two different designs a can tell that they look neat
and professional for what is needed and it looks easy to navigate. I have
put a logo at the top of both so that it is clear of who it is created by right
from the start as the top is the main place where you usually look. The
layouts that I have created here will not be the final product as I may have
to adjust the size of them and the colour scheme will be different.

The graphics that I will to be using will be copyright free for legal reasons.
I don`t want to be using cartoon types images/vectors because I feel that
it makes it look childlike and not professional as it should do. Therefore it
shall look like it is for the target audience that has been set for me to
create. The images that I will be using for the navigation and main menu
pages will be activities or places with really nice views. I will be using the
images that are relatable for the activity shown such as if I was talking

about snowboarding them I will have pictures of snow mountains and

Here are some images for example.

I will make sure that the backgrounds do look incredible and that it isn`t a
bad picture so it looks the best it can possible be in persuading people
into actually going.

The fonts that will be included will not be the simple and basic boring ones
that are on every website and presentation but they will obviously be
readable and not to extravagant. The main text will be the standard font
as there will be a lot of information to read about them. The title and
button fonts will be more played around with as you will need them to look
different and cool.
Heading font examples:
These are just some ideas of the fonts that I may use for the headings
Gap travel - Bauhaus
Gap travel - stencil
Gap travel - impact
Gap travel - rosewood STD
Gap travel - hobo STD

Suggestions of it`s aesthetic qualities

The fact that my target audience is not a huge gap from 16 to 30 years
old and is for both genders I will have to have a layout that is not too
young and child looking but also not to old it will have to be for the 21st
century now looking. I will have a consistent layout with the same new
colour scheme and I will use different fonts but keep the number of that I
use to a minimum.

Colour scheme
For the colour scheme I will be using about tree main colours as I don`t
want it to look too pact with all these different colours and It will be a lot

easier to see and also look at lot more professional. I am thinking of using
read, black and white ass the three main colours but with others added at
times like grey. I think that I will use black and red as background colour
and have white text to spice things up a bit because you don`t usually get
products like this one with that sort of colour scheme which is why I think
that it will be a really good idea to create the product with them colours.
The final product will need to produced on a CD ROM so this means that
the file size will be low and I will have to make sure that I am able to fit all
that I need in as CD ROMS usually only allow 500MB unlike DVD ROMS
which holds a lot more. The title must say Things to do before you are 30
which must have the interactive marketing product. I will save it as
Projector file that will be saved in Director.
I will be using a range of different assets that some are going to be
primary and some will be secondary. Assets like pictures will show my
ideas will most probably be primary as I have will not be able to take them
myself. The colour scheme will be clear and will give my client a first
visual look at the style that I am going for and what will be on my actual
product. For the production of my logo that I will have to come up with, a
secondary image will be used that will have been taken from the internet
which I may not get permission for. This will be a violation of the copyright
The interactive, multimedia product that will have to be complied with a
lot of different types of assets so that I can make most of all the ideas that
I have. I will also have to add sound somewhere into it at a certain point.
The sound can be in a video that I put in or music in the background or
even as a sound effect that you can click on. There will have to be two
videos that I will have to add in as for my animation that has to be
incorporated that can be from an actual video or an animation that has
been created in flash.

The logo
The logo that I am in the process of creating will obviously say Gap travel
and will go with my colour scheme so the letter will be in white with a
black background and with r a red outline in a circle. I may add to it and
put there things around it to make it more interesting but from what I
have got I think that it is very simple, neat, clear and professional which
will work in my opinion.


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