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Isabella Burton

Course: EDU 2800-08

Internet Search for K-12 Math
a. This website is good for games. There us something from every subject
from 1st grade to trigonometry. There are many different options that way
it can appeal to a variety of learners. The design makes it look interesting
to students. There are also a variety of different tabs students can pick to
strengthen an area they feel weak in.
a. Right when you open this site you can pick the topic to use. That way
students do not have to search through all sorts of other things. When
you click on it takes you to games. The student can choose the game that
they think will help them the best. Teachers can say to play on this site
since there are no ads or popups.
a. This site is very popular. It has something for everyone and every subject.
There are a list of skills and you can pick from that. Then it takes you to
some problems. A teacher could easily set up this site for a student for
extra practice.
a. This site has many different games. It is not easy to tell which subject
each ones goes along with. The games are geared toward younger
grades. They also have other games which may be distracting to the
main focus. This one would require more supervision.
a. This site is great for kindergarten. It covers the basics. Such as what
numbers are shapes, and some basic operations. This site is really only
useful for the younger student. The older student will find it unhelpful and
too easy. A teacher teaching elementary would benefit from this site.

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