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Shawntavia Norvell
Professor Morean
English Composition 1101.35
25 September 2014
In Loving Memory
Today would be my grandfathers fifty-third birthday. A lot has changed over a matter of time.
Four years has gone by and he continuously crosses my mind. Sometimes life is not fair and
throws your curve balls; it strikes out the people that you love and catches your emotions.
Leaving guilt in your heart, wishing every moment and every second would have counted.
Losing someone feels as though you lost a bad baseball game, but life is the game.
One minute you are here and the next minute you could be gone; thats what happened to my
grandfather. He would give to the homeless and inspire the youth to expand their minds with
positivity and education; he was a father figure for most children that he met. My grandfather
would go to every event, applauding for their success and take everyone out to celebrate. His
passing was a tragedy to everyone; it was sudden. He fell down a flight of stairs and was
unresponsive; he wouldnt let me some and see him. It took an emotional toll on me. I remember
his statement I want to go home.
Who knew that heaven would be his home later on that night? He had a heart attack, and he
called my grandmother; asking for her to come to the hospital as he dropped the phone slowly
dying. That night was revived, and the next morning he kept coding. I never knew that life could
be gone in the blink of an eye. Just as if a baseball player losing his chance to the Hall Of

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Fame because of a strike, the urge to keep hope alive but end up failing. Thats how I felt when
my grandfather took his last breath. I lost a part of me; I felt like all odds were against me.
So many things happen to good people. Every moments counts. Taking advantage of the time
with a love one can educate you on things that you have learned. My grandfather left me a
legacy; he taught me how to love my family and surroundings. Life is too short. Smile while you
can, encourage others to help someone, or take a leadership role to empower society. Everyone
has a purpose in life with unique talents and my grandfathers talents inspired a lot of lives.

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