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Dear Mr.

Since ENG 102 or Composition is coming to an end all so soon Ive really
started to notice that by the end of this course I think Ive gotten a much bigger,
bolder and improvement on things such as research papers, reflective assignments
or something as a simple presentation. In my previous ENG 101 class last semester
we didnt do much of the types of discussions we had like we would in ENG 102. We
had a paper here and there but it didnt go into a serious depth. I think one of the
best things our class got to do in ENG 102 was the textual analysis paper and the
presentation because in the beginning of the semester the first thing we did in our
day books and what the class talked about was certain texts and how we can apply
this aspect to our writing.
Once we did this assignment we ended the semester with the topic we
started and together as a whole it set the tone for the whole semester for the class.
In addition I have also seemed to have a better grasp at my writing and how I can
improve the things that I have the hardest time dealing with whenever I write my
papers. Now the one thing I had a hard time managing for the class was checking
the discussion board on our blackboard homepage. For some odd reason I was late
to the discussion board whenever I had a small assignment that more than likely
wasnt too difficult of an assignment.
In conclusion I have enjoyed Composition 102 for many reasons even if there
was one small thing I wasnt too fond with. The way we discussed things in class
whether it was in our day books or just as a simple class discussion all of it has
helped understand better ways to become a writer and make a paper a casual

argument rather than a violent debate. I hope the future for my writing keeps on
improving with the steps I took in ENG 102.

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